Michał Kowalewski
Department of Geosciences
4044 Derring Hall
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Michał Kowalewski is a Professor of Geobiology
in the Department of Geosciences at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg,
Virginia. His primary scientific interests revolve around quantitative
paleoecology, taphonomy, macroevolution, and related topics. His
research centers, for the most part, on Cenozoic marine benthic
invertebrates. He likes to eat them too, but only if they are from the
latest Holocene and don’t have a lophophore. Michał grew up in Warsaw
(Warsaw, Poland, that is, and not the one in North Carolina), an area
covered by a thick blanket of useless glacial junk. Still, he somehow
found a way to study marine paleoecology. Michał, his wife Agata, and
their daughters Ula and Aśka live in the southwest Virginia, on an
Alleghanian thrust fault. This never ceases to amaze them.