FIGURE 13. CUT-Z-FCE and extant Aquifoliaceae; (1) CUT-Z-FCE, TLM of stomatal complexes. Note cuspate ridges approximating cell boundaries (SL1069, scale bar = 50 µm); (2) CUT-Z-FCE, TLM detail of stomatal complex. Note almost complete peristomatal ring (SL1069, scale bar = 20 µm); (3) Outer SEM view of stomatal complexes (S-1161, scale bar = 20 µm); (4) Inner SEM view of stomatal complexes (S-1161, scale bar = 20 µm); (5) extant Nemopanthus mucronata, TLM of stomatal complexes. Note cuspate ridges approximating cell boundaries (AQ214666, scale bar = 50 µm); (6) extant N. mucronata, TLM detail of stomatal complexes (AQ214666, scale bar = 20 µm).