FIGURE 9. Maxillae and isolated upper teeth of Hesperolagomys galbreathi. Scale bar equals 1 mm. Standard orientations as in Figure 2. 'R' indicates line drawing/photo is reversed. Side views of individual teeth are shown at approximately half the scale of occlusal views. 9.1, UCMP 149484, Fish Lake Valley (topotypic) maxilla with P3-P4. 9.2, UNSM 123311, referred maxilla with P3-M1 from Tiensvold Ranch, Nebraska. 9.3, UCMP 149485, topotypic upper incisor in cross-sectional (left) and lateral (right) views. 9.4, UCMP 149486, topotypic P3 in occlusal (above), anterior (below and left), and lingual (below and right) views. 9.5, UCMP 149487, topotypic P4 in occlusal (above), lingual (below and left), and posterior (below and right) views. 9.6, UCMP 149488, topotypic P4 in occlusal (above) and posterior (below) views. 9.7, posterior view of reconstructed composite P4. 9.8, UCMP 149489, topotypic M2 in occlusal (above), anterior (below left), and lingual (below and right) views. Abbreviation: pf, premolar foramen.