René H.B. Fraaije
Oertijdmuseum De Groene Poort|
Bosscheweg 80
5283 WB Boxtel
The Netherlands

René Fraaije is a paleontologist and stratigrapher. He received his Ph.D. from the Institute of Earth Sciences (IVAU) of Utrecht University, the Netherlands in 1996. His main areas of research include the evolution of Meso- and Cenozoic decapod crustaceans and their role in former ecosystems as well as ammonite palaeobiology with special interest in inquilinism, predation, and crop-stomach remains. Other studies include trace fossils and their environmental significance in Dinantian carbonates, Miocene bracket fungi, trilobites within nautiloid cephalopods, dinosaurs from the Maastrichtian type area, Cretaceous cycloids, Maastrichtian myodocopine ostracods and Cenozoic echinoderms.

René collected his first fossil at the age of ten and founded in 1983 the geological museum of the Netherlands called Oertijdmuseum of which he is currently the director.