TABLE 3. Summary of the depth distributions of species in ATA assemblages. Table 3. Summary of the depth distributions of species in ATA assemblages. Ammobaculites balkwilli intertidal to 6 m. Ammoscalaria runiana intertidal to 6m, mainly between 3-5.5 m. Ammotium cassis 2-6 m Ammotium salsum mainly 0-5 m; 54 m in Loch Etive (transported?) Balticammina pseudomacrescens only intertidal. Haplophragmoides wilberti mainly intertidal. Miliammina fusca intertidal to 6 m. All records >10m are from Loch Etive (down to 140 m, probably through transport). Jadammina macrescens mainly intertidal; transported into slightly deeper water (2 m). Reophax moniliformis mainly <2m, common to 6 m. Trochammina inflata mainly <1 m. Tiphotrocha comprimata mainly <1 m.
Adercotryma glomeratum 100-4250 m. Adercotryma wrighti 35-4250m. Abundant 100-130 m. Ammodiscus gullmarensis 20-500 m. Cribrostomoides jeffreysii mainly shallower than <2000 m. Abundant <150 m. Cribrostomoides crassimargo mainly shelf, occasionally shelf deep and deep sea (4250 m). Cribrostomoides nitidus shallowest at 100 m; deepest 1815 m Cribrostomoides subglobosus shallowest 290 m; deepest 4250 m. Cuneata arctica mainly 0-100 m; deepest 483 m probably due to downslope transport. Cystammina pauciloculata rare, 1806-3678 m. Deuterammina ochracea rare in estuaries (probably transported in), shelf seas and shelf deeps. Eggerella europea 50- 1500 m. Eggerelloides medius mainly <800 m. Eggerelloides scaber mainly <150 m. Eratidus foliaceus rare on shelf and deep sea. Glomospira gordialis rare on shelf, deeps and deep sea. Haplophragmoides bradyi 50-2000 m; abundant 50-900 m. Haplophragmoides sphaeriloculus mainly >2900 m. Hormosinella guttifer rare in shelf deeps and deep sea. Lagenammina arenulata 300-4250 m. Leptohalysis catella common on muddy shelf, rare in shelf deeps. Liebusella goesi rare on shelf and shelf deeps, shallow and deep fjords. Morulaeplecta bulbosa mainly <150 m. Portatrochammina murrayi 17-4250 m; abundant 50-1800 m. Psammosphaera fusca rare on shelf and shelf deeps. Recurvoides trochamminiforme from 48 m - ~2000 m; highest abundance 50-400 m. Reophax bilocularis very rare in shelf deep and deep sea. Reophax fusiformis shelf, and rarely shelf deep. Reophax micaceus shallow and deep fjords, shelf deeps, deep sea. Reophax scorpiurus 45-300 m. Repmanina charoides shallow and deep fjord, shelf deeps, deep sea. Saccammina socialis shallowest 98 m; deepest 4250 m. Spiroplectammina biformis common in shallow fjords, present in shelf deeps, deep fjords and deep sea. Textularia earlandi intertidal to 500 m. Textularia kattegatensis 50-500 m. Textularia skagerakensis 50-1100 m. Trochammina subturbinatus mainly >500 m. Trochamminopsis quadriloba from 48 m - ~2000 m; highest abundance 300-700 m. |