FIGURE 6. Schematic illustrations of all muscular units s. s. attaching the cranium in turtles. Muscular portions (coloured boxes) are represented in correlation to their related muscle (non coloured boxes). Illustrations of the skeleton are modified from Gaffney (1972: Chelydra serpentina) and Herrel et al. (2008: Apalone spinifera) (compare to Figure 5). The "rainbow colour code" represents the main innervation pattern of each muscular unit: innervated by n. oculomotorius (red, n. III), n. trochlearis (dark orange, IV), n. trigeminus (light orange, V), n. abducens (yellow, VI), n. facialis (light green, VII), n. glossopharyngeus (dark green, n. IX), n. vagus (light blue, n. X), n. accessorius (middle blue, n. XI), n. hypoglossus (dark blue, XII), dorsal branches of spinal nerves (pink, n. Sd), ventral branches of spinal nerves (purple, n. Sv). * = muscular unit only found in a few species/taxa, ** = only found in one species.