Timing of infaunalization in shallow-marine Early Paleozoic
communities in Gondwanan settings: Discriminating evolutionary and
paleogeographic controls
M. Gabriela Mángano and Luis A. Buatois |
Defense capabilities of
Kentrosaurus aethiopicus Hennig, 1915 (PDF) 14.2.10A
Heinrich Mallison |
Phylogeny and escalation in Mellopegma and other Cambrian
molluscs (PDF) 14.2.11A
Michael J. Vendrasco, Artem V. Kouchinsky, Susannah M. Porter,
and Christine Z. Fernandez |
Large caviomorph rodent footprints of the Late
Oligocene Vinchina Formation, Argentina (PDF)
Verónica Krapovickas and Norma L. Nasif |
New data on the Oxyaenidae from the Early
Eocene of Europe; biostratigraphic, paleobiogeographic and
paleoecologic implications (PDF) 14.2.13A
Floréal Solé, Emmanuel Gheerbrant and Marc Godinot |
distribution of agglutinated foraminifera in NW European seas:
Baseline data for the interpretation of fossil assemblages
John W. Murray and Elisabeth Alve |
The cranial
musculature of turtles (PDF) 14.2.15A
Ingmar Werneburg
First Mio-Pliocene salamander fauna from the
southern Appalachians (PDF) 14.2.16A
Grant S. Boardman and Blaine W. Schubert |
Hard tissue anatomy of the cranial joints in Sphenodon (Rhynchocephalia):
sutures, kinesis, and skull mechanics (PDF)
E.H. Jones, Neil Curtis, Michael J. Fagan, Paul O’Higgins, Susan
E. Evans
Multi-view stereo 3D
reconstruction of lower molars of Recent and Pleistocene
rhinoceroses for mesowear analysis (PDF)
Elina Hernesniemi, Kasimir Blomstedt, and
Mikael Fortelius |
PE Notes
Within each article are links in the contents column to material that may be of further use to specific readers. There is a plain-language summary and there are multiple versions of the abstract in English, Français, Español,
Deutsch, Arabic, Polski, and Italiano. PDF versions of the articles are available (click on "PDF" beside the title) or from the contents column within the individual articles.
ISSN: 1094-8074, web version; 1935-3952, print version.
Coquina Press
Volume 14, Issue 2
July 2011