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TABLE 1. Computer simulation of the evolution of foraging strategies: application to the ichnological record.


Module name Inputs Function
SUM a,b a+b
PRODUCT a,b a*b
DIVIDE a,b a/b
SUM_THRESHOLD a,b,c max(a+b,c)
GREATER_THAN a,b a>b (0 or 1)
SIGN_OF a sign(a) (-1 or 1)
MIN a,b min(a,b)
MAX a,b max(a,b)
ABS a |a|
IF a a<>0 (0 or 1)
INTERPOLATE a,b (a+b)/2
SIN a sin(a)
COS a cos(a)
ATAN a atan(a)
LOG a ln(a)
EXPT a exp(a)
SIGMOID a 1/(1+exp(-a))
INTEGRATE a Sum of earlier inputs
DIFFERENTIATE a a-(previous a)
SMOOTH a (a+(previous a))/2
MEMORY a,b a is input to FIFO queue, b is output pointer
WAVE a,b sin(a*t)+b
SAW a,b (a*t) modulo b
FSENSOR a food in direction a, 1 unit away gives 1, two units away gives 0.25, else 0
TSENSOR a cell in direction a, visited earlier, 1 unit away gives 1, two units away gives 0.25, else 0