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FIGURE 1. Location of Lake Sadatal in India.

Figure 1 

FIGURE 2. Google Map showing location of Lake Sadatal (LS = Lake sadatal; X = sample location).

Figure 2

FIGURE 3. Photograph showing the lake and its surroundings.

Figure 3

FIGURE 4. Annual percentage spectrum of thecamoebians in sediment-water interface samples from Lake Sadatal.

Figure 4

FIGURE 5. Percentage spectrum of thecamoebians in three subsequent years 2005-2007 (February, May and December) Each division = 5%.

Figure 5

FIGURE 6. Q-mode cluster analysis dendrogram (Ward's method) of the 2005-2007 data .

Figure 6

FIGURE 7. RDA triplot showing taxa, environmental variables and sample data for 2005. Sample codes 1-12 correspond to the month from January-December. The environmental variables include pH, salinity (ppt), electrical conductivity (mS/cm), total dissolved solids (mg/l), average atmospheric temperature (°C), minimum temperature (°C), maximum temperature (°C), dissolved oxygen in Water (mg/l), Na (mg/g), K (mg/g), Mg (mg/g), Fe (mg/g), Cu (mg/g), Pb (mg/g).

Figure 7

FIGURE 8. Photograph of described thecamoebian specimens, taken under high power light microscope (Olympus- BX2). 1. Centropyxis aculeata "aculeata" Reinhardt et al., 1998; 2 C. aculeata "spinosa" Reinhardt et al., 1998; 3. C. aculeata"discoides" Reinhardt et al., 1998; 4. Centropyxis arcelloides Penard, 1902; 5. C. sylvatica Deflandre, 1929; 6., 7. Arcella vulgaris Ehrenberg 1830; 8. Arcella discoides Ehrenberg, 1843; 9. Arcella artocrea type Leidy, 1876; 10. Cyclopyxis type Deflandre,1929; 11,12. Trigonopyxis type Leidy, 1879 .

Figure 8

FIGURE 9. Photograph of described thecamoebian specimens, taken under high power light microscope (Olympus- BX2). 1, 2, 3: Difflugia oblonga "oblonga" Reinhardt et al., 1998; 4. Difflugia oblonga"glans' Reinhardt et al., 1998; 5. Difflugia gramen Penard, 1902; 6. Difflugia globulosa Dujardin, 1837; 7. Difflugia pulex type Penard, 1902; 8. Difflugia lobostoma type Leidy, 1879; 9. Difflugia pristis type Penard, 1902; 10, 11. ?Amphitrema type; 12: Nebella carinata Archer, 1867; 13. Nebella sp.; 14. Nebella tincta type; 15. Certisella type; 16. Corythion dubium Taranek, 1881; 17. Amphitrema wrightianum Archer, 1869; 18. Amphitrema stenostoma Nusslin, 1884; 19., 20. Amphitrema flavum Archer 1869.

Figure 9

FIGURE 10. Photograph of described thecamoebian specimens, taken under high power light microscope (Olympus- BX2). 1-3. Unidentified Form A; 4. inclusion inside the Centropyxis sp., 5-7. Loxophyllum elegans; 8-13. ?testate amoebae cyst.

Figure 10