Francisco J. Ruiz-SánchezArea de Paleontologia
Universitat de València
Dr. Moliner s/n
46100 Burjassot
Francisco J. Ruiz (Paco) is a palaeontologist with special interest in the study of fossil rodents (Cricetidae, Gliridae, Eomyidae) from Miocene deposits. His main work areas are the Tertiary Spanish continental basins (Magro, Ebro, Ribesalbes-Alcora, Alcoy, etc.). Francisco J. is Associate Professor in the Department of Geology in the University of Valencia, Spain.
Xabier Murelaga
Departamento de Estratigrafía y Paleontología
Universidad del País Vasco
Aptdo. 644, E-48080
Xabier Murelaga is a palaeontologist whose research covers a variety of subjects like taxonomy of Tertiary and Quaternary fossil microvertebrates and taxonomy and evolution of Mesozoic and Cenozoic turtles. Xabier is Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Stratigraphy and Palaeontology in the University of Basque Country.
Matthijs FreudenthalDepartamento de Estratigrafíay Paleontología
Universidad de Granada
Granada 18071
and Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum
The Netherlands
Matthijs Freudenthal is a former curator of vertebrate paleontology of the National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis, Leiden, the Netherlands. He is actually working at the University of Granada, Spain. He is one of the pioneers of fossil micromammal research in Europe. His most recent research covers a variety of subjects like taxonomy of Gliridae, correspondance analysis in vertebrate palaeontology, the insular faunas from Gargano (Italy) and body mass estimates in fossil rodents.
Juan C. Larrasoaña
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
Unidad de Zaragoza 50006
Juan C. Larrasoaña is a geologist specialized in the application of palaeomagnetic techniques to a wide range of studies in Earth Sciences. One of his research interests is the magnetostratigraphic dating of fossil-bearing marine and continental successions, which provides the basis for interpreting the palaeontological record in terms of evolutionary changes. Since 2009, Juan C. Larrasoaña is a staff scientist in the Zaragoza headquarters of the Spanish Geological Survey (IGME).
Miguel GarcésGrup de Geodinàmica i Anàlisi de Conques
Universitat de Barcelona
Zona Universitaria de Pedralbes
Barcelona 08028
Miguel Garcés is an Associate Professor in the University of Barcelona, head of the Palaeomagnetic Laboratory of the University of Barcelona-CSIC and president of the Palaeomagnetism Subcomission of the Spanish Geological Society. His research interests are: I) Palaeomagnetism applied to Basin Analysis Studies, II) Calibration of the Geological Time Scale, magnetostratigraphic dating of marine and continental bioevents, cyclostratigraphy and Astronomical tuning, and III) Evolution of continental Palaeoenvironments, age calibration of intercontinental dispersal events of mammalian faunas and correlation with global events.