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TABLE 1. Radiometric ages for sub-fossil elements using AMS-radiocarbon method

UGA# Sample ID Bone type Bioapatite Collagen-like organics
δ13C 14C age, years BP δ13C 14C age, years BP
4024 GMNH-27370 vertebra -7.66 37,580±120 -20.96 10,630±40
4281 GMNH-27372 mandible -6.62 36,570±300 -20.25 10,350±80
4215 GMNH-27373 vertebra -6.67 34,520±160 -21.21 8,080±40


TABLE 2. Eschrichtius robustus, holotype. Dentary measurements (in mm).

Specimen Number GMNH-27372
Length (straight) 137 cm
Length (chord) 142 cm
Height at mandibular foramen 170mm
Height at condyle (inferred) 190 mm (160 actual)
Height at coronoid process (inferred) 130 actual (broken)
Minimum height between condyle and coronoid process 170 mm
Circumference 100 mm behind proximal end 360 mm
Circumference 200 mm behind proximal end 470 mm
Circumference 300 mm behind proximal end 410 mm
Circumference 400 mm behind proximal end 460 mm
Circumference 500 mm behind proximal end 490 mm
Circumference 600 mm behind proximal end 492 mm
Circumference 700 mm behind proximal end 492 mm
Circumference 800 mm behind proximal end 492 mm
Circumference 900 mm behind proximal end 490 mm
Circumference 1000 mm behind proximal end 490 mm
Distance between condyle and coronoid process 300 mm (inferred)
Distance between coronoid process and anterior end 360 (inferred)