Adriana López-ArbarelloBayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie
Richard-Wagner-Strasse 10
D-80333 München
and Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio
Av. Fontana 140
9100 Trelew
Adriana López-Arbarello is an Argentinean biologist dedicated to the study of fossil actinopterygian fishes. She graduated and completed her PhD at the University of Buenos Aires and had her first postdoc at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. She then returned to Argentina for a couple of years, but later moved back to Germany and is now settled in Munich, supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) since 2006. After exploring the anatomy and systematics of different fish groups, she has been captured by the fascinating history of actinopterygians during the early Mesozoic. She is fully dedicated to the study of Mesozoic neopterygians, overloaded with taxonomic work, deciphering the network of their phylogenetic relationships and weaving ideas on the mode of evolution of some anatomical structures related to the rise and diversification of the modern fishes.
Emilia SfercoLaboratorio de Paleontología Evolutiva de Vertebrados
Departamento de Geología
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Ciudad Universitaria
Pabellón II
1428 Buenos Aires
and Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio
Av. Fontana 140
9100 Trelew
Emilia Sferco is a PhD student at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of La Plata, Buenos Aires (2007) and she is now finishing her PhD Thesis on the phylogenetic and biogeographical aspects of the Late Jurassic freshwater basal teleosts from Patagonia, Argentina. She is interested on the phylogenetic relationships of Jurassic and Cretaceous basal teleosts and the origin of teleosts. After her PhD Thesis she will be working on the taxonomical and phylogenetical aspects of Lower Cretaceous teleosts from Patagonia.
Oliver W.M. RauhutBayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie
Richard-Wagner-Strasse 10
D-80333 München
and Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio
Av. Fontana 140
9100 Trelew, Argentina
and Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and GeoBioCenter
Richard-Wagner-Strasse 10
80333 Munich
Oliver Rauhut mainly works on dinosaur anatomy and evolution, but is interested in everything to do with Mesozoic, and especially Jurassic, terrestrial ecosystems. He got a diploma from the Free University of Berlin in 1995 and a PhD from the University of Bristol in 2000. As a postdoc at the Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio in Trelew, Argentina, he developed a field work program in the Middle and Late Jurassic units of Chubut Province, and has been working on biota from these formations since. He is currently curator of lower vertebrates at the Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie in Munich, Germany, where he also works on Jurassic reptiles from Europe and other continents.