Verónica Díez Díaz.
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología
Apdo. 644
48080 Bilbao
Verónica Díez Díaz graduated in Biology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and she completed her PhD in the Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, both from Spain. Her main line of research is the diversity,systematics and palaeobiogeography of the titanosaurian sauropods, more specifically the ones from the Ibero-Armorican Island (Spain and south France in the Late Cretaceous).
Xabier Pereda Suberbiola.
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología
Apdo. 644
48080 Bilbao
Xabier Pereda Suberbiola has a permanent research position at the Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Most of his research projects are devoted to Mesozoic Vertebrate Palaeontology, more specifically dinosaurs.
José Luis Sanz.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Facultad de Ciencias
Dpto. Biología
Ud. Paleontología
28049 Cantoblanco
José Luis Sanz is Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He has worked on nothosaurs and several linages of dinosaurs, especially sauropods and ornithopods. Nowadays his main research projects are related with theropod and avian evolution.