TABLE 1. Linear and volumetric mean values of Nesophontes natural and digital endocasts.
¹ Total cranium length range (minimum and maximum) taken from N. major (n = 24) and N. micrus (n = 12) from the same assemblage. * Estimated body mass calculated from the relationship y = 3.68x - 3.83, where y = log10 (body mass in grams), and x = log10 (skull length in mm) following Luo et al. (2001) and Rowe et al . (2011); EQ² formula from Jerison (1973), and EQ³ formula from Eisenberg (1981). Greater than (>) and less than (<) signs used are to indicate measurements on incomplete specimens. The number given after the sign is the minimum measurement that was taken on the specimen. The labels L (=left) and R (=right) are applied to the measurements of bilateral structures such as the olfactory lobes.