FIGURE 1.Condylura kowalskii from Węże 1 (1, catalogue number MF/1005/3) and Rębielice Królewskie 1A (2-5, catalogue numbers MF/1006/2, 4, 8, 12, respectively). 1- right M1, 2 - left M2 (occlusal view), 3 - fragment of right mandible with p1 and p2 (lingual view), 4 - left m1, 5 - right m2 (lingual view).
FIGURE 2. Humeri. Condylura kowalskii from Rębielice Królewskie 1A, (1-2, catalogue number MF/1006/16), left humerus (holotype), 1- dorsal, 2 - ventral view; C. izabellae from Rębielice Królewskie 1A (3-4, catalogue number MF/1007/1), fragment of left humerus (holotype), 3 - dorsal, 4 - ventral view; Parascalops fossilis from Podlesice (5-6, catalogue number MF/1018/24), left humerus (holotype), 5 - dorsal, 6 - ventral view; ? Scalopoides sp. from Kadzielnia 1 (7-8, catalogue number MF/1008/20), left humerus, 7 - dorsal, 8 - ventral view; ? Neoritrichus polonicus from Rębielice Królewskie 1A (9-10, catalogue number MF/1015/1), right humerus, 9 - dorsal, 10 - ventral view; Quyania europaea n. sp. from Rębielice Królewskie 1A (11-12, catalogue number MF/1013/ 7), left humerus, 11 - dorsal, 12 - ventral view.
FIGURE 3. ? Neurotrichus polonicus from Rębielice Królewskie 1A (1-2, catalogue numbers MF/1015/2, 5 respectively) and from Kadzielnia 1 (3-4, catalogue number MF/1016/1). 1 - right M1, 2 - right M2 (occlusal view), fragment of right mandible with p4-m2, 3 - buccal, 4 - lingual view.
FIGURE 4. Quyania europaea n. sp . from Rębielice Królewskie 1A (1-4, catalogue number MF/ 1013/ 1). Fragment of right mandible with m1 and alveoli of c-p4 and m2-m3, holotype, 1 - buccal, 2 - lingual, and 3 - occlusal view, 4 - the same m1 lingual view (enlarged).
FIGURE 5. Skoczenia copernici from Zamkowa Dolna Cave A (1-6, catalogue numbers MN/1010/3, 10, 18, 28, and 58 respectively) and from Kadzielnia 1 (7-8, catalogue number MF/1008/17). 1 - left P4, 2 - left M1, 3 - left M2 and 4 - left M3 (occlusal view), fragment of right mandible with p4-m1 (holotype), 5 - buccal, 6 - lingual view, fragment of right mandible with p4-m2, 7 - buccal, 8 - lingual view.