FIGURE 1. Dental terminology used in this paper (after Zazhigin and Lopatin, 2000, modified by author). Right M1-M2: 1. anterostyle; 2. anterocone; 3. anteroloph; 4. protocone; 5. protostyle; 6. anterior endoloph; 7. mesoloph; 8. hipocone; 9. posterostyle; 10. posterior endosinus; 11. posteroloph; 12. metacone; 13. mesoloph; 14. mesostyle; 15. paracone; Left m1-m2: 1. anteroconid; 2. metaconid; 3. mesostilid; 4. mesoconid; 5. entoconid; 6. posterolophid; 7. hypoconid; 8. posterostylid; 9. ectomesolophid; 10. ectostylid; 11. ectolophid; 12. protoconid; 13. labial arm of the anterolophid; 14. lingual arm of anterolophid; 15. posterior ectosinusid; 16. posterior ectolophid; 17. anterostylid.
PE Note: see Erratum for corrected figure caption
FIGURE 2. Geological map of the Late Miocene terrestrial sediments of the Balta Formation exposed in Cimishlia District, showing the location of the paleontological localities Chimishlia, Gradishte, Gura Galbene.
FIGURE 3. Lophocricetus cimishliensis sp. nov. (1-23) from the Turolian of Republic of Moldova: 1 - holotype, jaw fragment with P4-M2 (MNEIN Loph/GG-1); 2 - M1 (MNEIN Loph/Cim-1); 3 - M1 (MNEIN Loph/Gr-1); 4 - M1 (MNEIN Loph/Gr-2); 5 - M1 (MNEIN Loph/Gr-3); 6 - M1 (MNEIN Loph/Gr-4); 7 - M2 (MNEIN Loph/GG-3); 8 - M2 (MNEIN Loph/GG-4); 9 - M2 (MNEIN Loph/Gr-8); 10 - M2 (MNEIN Loph Gr-9); 11 - M2 (MNEIN Loph/Cim-4); 12 - m1 (MNEIN Loph/GG-5); 13 - m1 (MNEIN Loph/Gr-10); 14 - m1 (MNEIN Loph/Cim-5); 15 - m1 (MNEIN Loph/Gr-11); 16 - m1 (MNEIN Loph/Gr-12); 17 - m1(MNEIN Loph/GG-6); 18 - m2 (MNEIN Loph/GG-11); 19 - m2 (MNEIN Loph/Cim-8); 20 - m2 (MNEIN Loph/GG-12); 21 - m2 (MNEIN Loph/Cim-9); 22 - m2 (MNEIN Loph/Cim-610; 23 - m2 (MNEIN Loph/Cim-11). Scale= 1mm. Etymology: named after Chimishliya (= Cimișlia) District where fossils were found. Holotype: maxillary fragment with P4-M2 (MNEIN Loph/GG-1). Paratypes: Chimishliya: 3 M1, 2 M2, 2 m1, 6 m2 (MNEIN Loph/Cim1-13); Gura Galbene: 2 M1, 2 M2, 6 m1, 3 m2 (MNEIN Loph/GG 1-13); Gradishte: 7 M1, 2 M2, 7 m1 (MNEIN Loph/Gr 1-16).
FIGURE 4. Length/Width diagrams of M1 of L. cimishliensis. 1. Chimishliya 2. Gura Galbene 3. Gradishte.
FIGURE 5. Length/Width diagrams of M2 of L. cimishliensis. 1. Chimishliya 2. Gura Galbene 3. Gradishte.
FIGURE 6. Length/Width diagrams of m1 of L. cimishliensis.1. Chimishliya 2. Gura Galbene 3. Gradishte.
FIGURE 7. Length/Width diagrams of m1 of L. cimishliensis. 1. Chimishliya 2. Gura Galbene.
FIGURE 8. Ranges of size variation (in millimetres) in the upper dentition of genera Lophocricetus.
FIGURE 9. Ranges of size variation (in millimetres) in the lower dentition of genera Lophocricetus.