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TABLE. Amphibian taxa and abundance (in minimum number of individuals [MNI]) from two Late Pleistocene-Holocene fissures in Okinawajima, and a comparison with the results of Hasegawa (1980). - indicates absence of the fossil, * denotes extralimital taxa (mainland Japanese species: Glandirana rugosa and Rana tagoi ; Southeast Asian species: Polypedates leucomystax), and ** denotes a taxon mentioned by Nokariya (1983b).

Species Hasegawa (1980) This study
  Minatogawa Fissure Minatogawa Fissure Sashiki Fissure
  (Late Pleistocene) (Late Pleistocene) Lower unit Upper unit
      (Late Pleistocene) (middle Holocene)


Fejervarya kawamurai “rare” - - -
Limnonectes namiyei “rare” 1 1 -
Babina holsti “rare” 2 6 -
Glandirana rugosa* “abundant” - - -
Odorrana ishikawae “common” - 7 -
O. narina “abundant” 40 5 -
Rana tagoi* “rare” - - -
R. ulma “abundant” 49 152 -
Microhyla okinavensis “rare” - - 2
Buergeria japonica - 1 - 1
Rhacophorus viridis viridis “rare” 1 6 1
Rhacophorus sp. (or Polypedates leucomystax*)** “rare” - - -


Cynops ensicauda “common” 20 51 1
Echinotriton andersoni - 1 92 -