P. Sebastián Tambusso
Sección Paleontología
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de la República
Iguá 4225
11400 Montevideo
Sebastián is a paleontologist in the Section of Paleontology at Universidad de la República. He completed his Master degree in Zoology in 2013 working on the paleoneurology of glyptodonts and ground sloths. Currently is a Ph.D. student at Universidad de la República. His research interest focuses on the anatomy, paleobiology and biomechanic of Pleistocene xenarthrans, he is also interested in the use of digitizing techniques (CT scans, structured light scanning, photogrammetry) as a tool for investigation and communication of science.
H. Gregory McDonald
Museum Management Program
National Park Service
1201 Oakridge Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado 8052
Greg's research interests include the paleoecology, biogeography, systematics and evolution of fossil xenarthrans in both North and South America. He also works with other North American Pleistocene mammals looking at the relationship between their paleoecology and possible causes for their extinction.
Richard A. Fariña
Sección Paleontología
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de la República
Iguá 4225
11400 Montevideo
Uruguay dogor@netgate.com.uy
Richard is a paleontologist in the Section of Paleontology at Universidad de la República. His research focuses in the paleobiology, paleoecology, biomechanics and extinction of South American vertebrates, particularly, the large ones. As a researcher, he likes to be cautiously daring. Sometimes he achieves it. He enjoys writing scientific papers, as well as popular books. He also performed and directed science documentaries.