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List of the ostracod species found in the samples belonging to the FC, FM, CR, and GI facies from the Santa Maria di Leuca coral province. For each species the total number of specimens found, separated for living association (bio), fresh-looking specimens constituting the recent association (f) and old-looking specimens constituting the oldest Holocene assemblage (w) are reported, together with their relative percentages (%).

All appendixes are available in a zipped file.


List of the ostracod species found in the samples belonging to the MM and SC/HG facies from the Santa Maria di Leuca coral province. For each species the total number of specimens found, separated for living association (bio), fresh-looking specimens constituting the recent association (f) and old-looking specimens constituting the oldest Holocene assemblage (w) are reported, together with their relative percentages (%).

All appendixes are available in a zipped file.


List of the ostracod species found in the six facies detected in the Santa Maria di Leuca coral province. For each species and for each facies (including living associations: bio, fresh-looking specimens of the recent association: f, and old-looking specimens from the oldest Holocene assemblage: w), the frequence (i.e., the number of samples where that species has been found out of the total number of samples examined) and the total number of specimens found are reported in the first line. Numbers in brackets in the second line indicate the range of relative percentages.

All appendixes are available in a zipped file.