FIGURE 1. Simplification of the center of head movement as a joint in extinct Temnospondyli amphibian when biting. Elaborated from the original image ( Under license: CC BY-SA 3.0 (
FIGURE 2. Studied test cases of different feeding movements when applying a force F=800 N in the direction of the red arrow (when the force is perpendicular at the view the red arrow is a red dot). Case 1A, 2A and 3A with a fixed boundary condition in the condyle without the web of beams. Case 1B, 2B and 3B with the web of beams in the condyle and a fixed boundary condition.
FIGURE 3. Locations of the nine nodes at which the stresses were evaluated.
FIGURE 4. Von Mises stress distribution in the skull for the Static Analysis in FEA in cases 1A, 2A, 3A, 1B, 2B and 3B.
FIGURE 5. First 12 modes of the skull in case 1 (without web of beams in the model).
FIGURE 6. First 12 modes of the skull in case 2 (with the web of beams in the model).
FIGURE 7. Average error with respect to the number of deformation modes used.