FIGURE 1. Fossils from Randeck Maar, rock fragment, SMNS 101.665: 1 - whole rock fragment with paper arrows pointing out the impressions of Daphnia ( Ctenodaphnia) parthenogenetic females in upper (yellowish) layer. 2 - its side portion, with visible alternation of yellowish and grayish layers. 3 - adult female, lateral view. 4 - two females, dorso-lateral view. 5 - dorsal view. 6-7 - lateral view and antenna II. 8 - ephippium in grayish layer. All scales equal 1 mm. Abbreviations: aII - antenna II; cn - caudal needle; el - egg loculus.
FIGURE 2. Fossils from Rott in the collection of SIUB. 1 - ephippium, syntype of Daphnia fossilis von Heyden, 1862, fragment A557. 2 - presumable adult female, A 648bB. 3-4 - clusters of ephippia attached to small sticks, A654 and A644a. 5-8 - general view of ephippia, A644a, A647 (two), A654b. All scales equal 1 mm. Abbreviations: ap - anterior projection; el - egg loculus.