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TABLE 1. Table of p values from each pairwise comparison by measurement and geometric mean. Asterisks indicate significant values (< 0.05). Bolded measurements indicate those discussed and interpreted in the text.

Measurements Intersex p Intrafemale p Intramale p Male n Female n
Cranial length 0.1111 0.125 0* 9 8
Basal length 0.121 0.149 0.0741 9 11
Zygomatic breadth 0* 0.0165* 0* 8 11
Upper carnassial length 0.0505 0.0744 0.0988 9 11
Lower carnassial length 0.0404* 0.0496* 0* 9 11
Upper canine mesiodistal breadth 0.515 0.116 0.173 9 11
Upper canine buccolingual breadth 0.354 0.0744 0.148 9 11
Lower canine mesiodistal breadth 0.192 0.0413* 0.0494* 9 11
Lower canine buccolingual 0.182 0.0331* 0.0370* 9 11
Facial length 0.633 0.633 0.633 7 7
Bicanine breadth 0.025* 0* 0.0313* 8 10
Biorbital breadth 0* 0* 0* 8 10
Skull height 0.0313* 0.0625 0* 8 8
Mandible length 0.152 0.124 0.0988 9 11
Coronoid height 0.152 0.174 0.0123* 9 11
Mandible height 0.0556 0.04* 0* 9 10
Humerus length 0* 0.08 0* 7 5
Humerus breadth 0.0571 0.04* 0* 7 5
Femur length 0.0286* 0.12 0* 7 5
Femur breadth 0* 0* 0* 7 5
Upper canine area 0.404 0.0826 0.148 9 11
Lower canine area 0.152 0.0248* 0.0494* 9 11
Cranial geometric mean 0.0667 0.0278* 0* 5 6
Postcranial geometric mean 0* 0.04* 0* 7 5