Article Search

TABLE 1. Useful data attributes as seen by different user groups and availability. Interest: *** high; ** medium; * little; - no; ? needs to be investigated.

Attribute Beginner Avocational Scientist Student BSc, MSc, PhD Senior Scientist Collection Manager Contributor Availability
IDENTIFICATION *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Genus *** *** ** ** *** *** ***
Author, Year
*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
** ** ** * * ** **
Genus and Species
* * *** ** ** ** *
Source of
* *** *** ** * *** *
Importance of specimen
e.g., type-specimen
* ** *** *** *** *** ***
KEY TO SPECIES ** ** *** * ** *** **
Wall material * ** *** * ** *** **
Chamber arrangement ** ** *** * ** *** **
Text description *** *** ** ** ** *** *
More detailed


** ** *** * ** *** *
VISUALIZATION *** *** ** ** ** *** *
quality + amount
*** *** ** ** ** *** **
TIME RANGE ** ** ** * * ** **
period *** *** *** ** *** *** **
age, stage *** *** *** ** *** *** **, *
formation - ** *** *** ** *** *
LOCALIZATION ** *** *** *** *** *** *
Locality of the Sample *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Geographical distribution ** *** *** *** ** ** -/?
Faunal distribution * *** *** *** * ** -/?
Collection related data - * * ** *** *** **
Illustration type * * * * * * ***

TABLE 2. List of attributes. Attributes used for the technical database management are not listed. ¹ values are not set for all data-records; ² only used for planktonic species; ³only used for benthic species.

Taxonomy Distribution and Geological Time Morphology Morphology continued Technical and literature
Class Period Wall material Overall appearance ¹ ³ Collection / Contributor
Subclass Epoch Coiling Wall material ¹ ³ Inventory number ¹
Order Age ¹ non-/spinose ¹ ² Chamber Arrangement¹ ³ Type of illustration
Family Formation ¹ Wall Micro-structure ¹ ² Chamber Form ¹ ³ Amount of images to be shown
Genus First Occurrence Date ¹ ² Wall Texture ¹ ² Position of primary aperture ¹ ³ Author(s) / Editor(s)
Species Last Occurrence Date ¹ ² Chamber Arrangement ¹ ² Aperture Form ¹ ³ Title
named by Ocean Continent Height of Spire ¹ ² Type of Sutures ¹ ³ Year
Genus ¹ (Synonym) Area Umbilical Depth ¹ ² Ornamentation ¹ ³ Journal (Volume, Issue)
Species ¹ (Synonym) Country Chamber Form ¹ ² Projections ¹ ³ Publisher ¹
named by ¹ (Synonym) Locality Keel ¹ ²   Publication deals with epoch
Reliability of Identification Remarks on Locality Tooth Teeth ¹ ²    
Type specimen benthic Lip ¹ ²    
Reference (see Literature) planktonic      

TABLE 3. List of material (illustrations and data) integrated as of July 2015. SM= Scientific Monograph; TSC= Type Specimen Collections; SA=Scientific Articles; PS=from processed samples.

Type Contributor/Publication Subject Data records
SM Bossard, D. (Brady, 1884) recent 1,479
SM Frenzel, P.: (Frenzel, 2000) Benthics, Cretaceous 557
SM, SA Geological Survey of Austria: (Papp and Schmidt, 1985), (Gebhardt, 2010) Miocene, type specimens 519
SA Grzybowski Foundation: (Setoyama et al., 2011), (Szarek et al., 2000), (Neagu, 2000) Agglutinates ~390
TSC American Museum of Natural History, New York type specimens 270
TSC Geological Survey of Austria, Vienna: (Gebhardt, 2010) type specimens 195
TSC Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History, Washington type specimens 111
SA IOPD, ODP and DSDP scientific results publications all 820
SA various professional junior to senior scientific contributors all ~1,700
PS various avocational and professional scientists, own samples all ~3,770
    TOTAL: 9,800+