FIGURE 1. Anterior (left) and lateral (right) view of UW 88-929, Makapania broomi.
FIGURE 2. UW 88-797 maxillary fragment with a right M1 and M2.
FIGURE 3. Occlusal surface of Malapa UW 88-518, UW 88-519, and UW 88-1015 refit together. The arrows are illustrating the mesostylid, paraconid, and parastylid, from left to right.
FIGURE 4. Comparison of holotype M 18 (top) and paratype M 19 (center) of T. pricei with Malapa mandible (bottom).
FIGURE 5. Malapa specimen UW 88-1299, right maxillary fragment with M2 and M3 (left). Malapa specimen UW 88-1205, left maxillary fragment with M1 (right).
FIGURE 6. UW 88-746 maxilla with left M2 and M3.
FIGURE 7. Lateral (left) and occlusal view (right) of UW 88-1251.
FIGURE 8. UW 88-877 Body Size Class III bovid mandible fragment.
FIGURE 9. UW 88-1298 right Antidorcas recki adult mandible.
FIGURE 10. UW 88-869 right mandibular M1.
FIGURE 11. UW 88-562 BSC I bovid, Subfamily Antilopinae.
FIGURE 12. UW 88-555 horn core fragment of BSC II (left). UW 88-734 partial horn core of a BSC III (right).
FIGURE 13. Block 848 bovid BSC II in situ with femur and tibiae in articulation. Associated right metatarsal, astragalus, naviculocuboid, and distal phalanx are also in the Block.
FIGURE 14. Malapa blocks with articulated cervical (left) and thoracic (right) vertebrae.
FIGURE 15. Lingual view of Malapa UW 88-518 and UW 88-519 demonstrating high occlusal relief and sharp cusps.
FIGURE 16. Metapodial (left), UW 88-1247, demonstrating cracking and longitudinal fractures typical of Behrensmeyer (1975) Stage 1 weathering and diagenetic processes. UW 88-1224, (right) metatarsal exhibits longitudinal fractures, cracking, and cortical peeling.
FIGURE 17. Types of surface modification identified on Malapa bovid limb bones and number of specimens with that modification.
FIGURE 18. Results of the shaft circumference completeness in Malapa bovid limb bones.
FIGURE 19. Results of the shaft fragmentation in Malapa bovid limb bones.