FIGURE 1. Map of study area showing modern and historical geographic terminology along with geographic position of type section of Turtle Bluff Member, Bridger Formation (modified after Murphey [2001]). The light purple shading represents areas on the lower slopes of the principal mountain landforms and the green shading represents areas above the base of the uppermost slopes for each landform (approximate elevations in feet are shown). Insert map shows location of study area in state of Wyoming.
FIGURE 2. Schematic stratigraphic column of type section of Turtle Bluff Member on southwest flank of Cedar Mountain, Bridger Formation, showing relative stratigraphic positions of SDSNH, DMNH and UCM localities (along with the locality names in parentheses) that yielded the fossils described in this paper (modified and corrected after Gunnell et al., [2009]). Locality MPM 2970 occurs on southwest flank of Sage Creek Mountain and its approximate relative stratigraphic position is projected onto type section. Abbreviations are: Lithostr., lithostratigraphic; NALMA, North American Land Mammal age.
FIGURE 3. Microsyopidae from TBM. 1-4, Uintasorex parvulus: 1, RM1 or 2, SDSNH 110359; 2-3, Rdp4, SDSNH 110358; 4, Lm2, DMNH 75287. 5-7, Microsyops annectans: 5, Rm1, UCM 68541; 6-7, partial dentary with Rm2, UCM 70315. 1-2, 4-6, occlusal views. 3 and 7, labial views. Scale bars equal 1 mm for 1-6 and scale bar for 7 equals 5 mm.
FIGURE 4. Primates from TBM. 1-3, Notharctus robustior: 1, RM1, DMNH 75300; partial RM1 or 2, UCM 78457; 3, partial RM3, UCM 69054. 4-5, Trogolemur myodes: 4, Rm2, UCM 78097; 5, Rm3, UCM 67883. 6, Washakius insignis, LM1 or 2, UCM 68541. 7-9, Omomys carteri: 7, LM3, 110357; 8, Lm1, SDSNH 110355; 9, Rm3, DMNH 75326. All occlusal views. Scale bar equals 1 mm.
FIGURE 5. Microparamys from TBM. 1-5, Microparamys minutus : 1, LdP4, UCM 66310; 2, LP4, UCM 95695; 3, LM1 or 2, UCM 95697; 4, Rp4, SDSNH 110374; 5, Lm1 or 2, DMNH 74140. 6-9, Microparamys sp.: 6, LdP4, SDSNH 110395; 7, Lp4, SDSNH 110360; 8, Lm1, SDSNH 110361; 9, Lm2, SDSNH 110362. All occlusal views. Scale bar equals 1 mm.
FIGURE 6. Thisbemys and Rodentia, family undetermined from TBM. 1, Thisbemys corrugatus, Rm1, UCM 70671. 2-3, Rodentia, family undetermined, Rm1 or 2, UCM 95700. 1-2, occlusal views. 3, oblique labial view. Scale bar equals 1 mm.
FIGURE 7. Larger Sciuravidae from TBM. 1, Sciuravus nitidus, RP4, UCM 68430. 2-4, Taxymys lucaris: 2, RM1 or 2, UCM 68307; 3, LM1 or 2, UCM 95762; 4, LM3, DMNH 75336. 5-7, Tillomys senex: 5, Lm1 or 2, DMNH 75328; 6, Rm1 or 2, DMNH 75279; 7, Rm1 or 2, SDSNH 110363. 8-9, Tillomys ? parvidens: 8, Rm1 or 2, SDSNH 110379; 9, Lm3, DMNH 75288. All occlusal views. Scale bar equals 1 mm.
FIGURE 8. Smaller Sciuravidae from TBM. 1, Pauromys sp., cf. P. perditus , Lm1, SDSNH 110414. 2, sciuravid sp. B, RM1 or 2, SDSNH 110412. 3-4, sciuravid sp. C: 3, RM1 or 2, SDSNH 110443; 4, Lm3, SDSNH 110441. 5-7, sciuravid premolars: 5, LP4, SDSNH 110462; 6, partial Rp4, SDSNH 110454; 7, partial Rp4, SDSNH 140176. All occlusal views. Scale bar equals 1 mm.
FIGURE 9. Sciuravid sp. A from TBM: 1, RM1 or 2, UCM 709102; 2, RM1 or 2, UCM 68903; 3, LM1 or 2, UCM 71413; 4, LM1 or 2, UCM 95763; 5, Rm1, UCM 95694; 6, Lm1 or 2, UCM 95757; 7, Rm1 or 2, SDSNH 110459; 8, Rm1 or 2, UCM 95699; 9, Lm3, UCM 95756. All occlusal views. Scale bar equals 1 mm.
FIGURE 10. cf. Pareumys sp. from TBM: 1, RP4, UCM 95760; 2-3, RM1 or 2, SDSNH 110396; 4, RM1 or 2, SDSNH 110397; 5, RM1 or 2, DMNH 75334; 6, LM1 or 2, UCM 95758; 7, LM3, UCM 67987; 8, Rm1, UCM 69974; 9, Lm2, SDSNH 110366; 10, Rm3, SDSNH 110367; 11-12, Rm3, SDSNH 110434. 1-2, 4-11 occlusal views. 3, anterior view. 12, labial view. Scale bar equals 1 mm.
FIGURE 11. Metanoiamys sp. from TBM: 1, LdP4, DMNH 74135; 2, LP4, DMNH 75331; 3, LM1 or 2, DMNH 74136; 4, LM1 or 2, DMNH 75251; 5, RM1 or 2, SDSNH 110442; 6, LM3, UCM 98813; 7, Rdp4, SDSNH 110369; 8, Lp4, DMNH 74143; 9, Lm1 or 2, DMNH 75252; 10, Lm1 or 2, DMNH 75250; 11, Lm1 or 2, DMNH 75254; 12, Lm3, DMNH 74144. All occlusal views. Scale bar equals 1 mm.
FIGURE 12. Elymys ? emryi new species from TBM, macrophotographs with corresponding line drawings of specimens: 1 and 9, LM1, SDSNH 110463; 2 and 10, RM1, SDSNH 110465; 3 and 11, RM1 (holotype), SDSNH 110466; 4 and 12, RM2, SDSNH 110444; 5 and 13, LM3, SDSNH 110448; 6 and 14, Rm1, SDSNH 110456; 7 and 15, Lm2, SDSNH 110457; 8 and 16, Lm3, SDSNH 110461. All occlusal views. Scale bar equals 1 mm.