FIGURE 1. 1, Locality maps, 2, stratigraphic sections of the locality based on previous studies which are mentioned in the text. This figure is modified from Tanaka (2016).
FIGURE 2. The skull, NFL 2074, referred specimen of Numataphocoena yamashitai in dorsal view. 1, photo, 2, line art.
FIGURE 3. The skull, NFL 2074, referred specimen of Numataphocoena yamashitai in ventral view. 1, photo, 2, line art.
FIGURE 4. The skull, NFL 2074, referred specimen of Numataphocoena yamashitai in lateral view. 1, photo, 2, line art.
FIGURE 5. The skull, NFL 2074, referred specimen of Numataphocoena yamashitai in anterior view. 1, photo, 2, line art.
FIGURE 6. Life restoration of Numataphocoena yamashitai. Art work by Tatsuya Shinmura (Ashoro Museum of Paleontology).
FIGURE 7. A cladogram showing relationships of the Phocoenidae. Numbers represent branch lengths.
FIGURE 8. The maxillary terrace from the posterior dorsal infraorbital foramen on the maxilla. 1 and 2, NFL 7, the type of Numataphocoena yamashitai. 3 and 4, NFL 2074, the referred specimen.
FIGURE 9. Geochronological distributions and postulated phylogeny of the Phocoenidae.