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bergqvistLílian Paglarelli Bergqvist. Departamento de Geologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos 274, Prédio CCMN, 21941-611, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil.

Lilian P. Bergqvist is a paleontologist and associate professor at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Since 1996 she has been working with Paleogene mammals recovered at Itaboraí basin, Brazil, focusing on teeth and postcranial morphology with systematic and functional purposes. More recently she has been conducting paleohistological, paleopathological and taphonomic studies with her various PhD students on Paleogene and Pleistocene fossils. She is also engaged in public awareness of science.


koenigWighart von Koenigswald. Universität Bonn, Steinmann-Institut (Paläontologie), Nussallee 8, D-53115 Bonn, Germany.

Wighart v. Koenigswald is a paleontologist and professor emeritus at the University of Bonn, Germany. He discovered the complexity of the mammalian enamel differentiating between crystallites, prisms enamel types, and schmelzmuster. He and his various PhD students investigated the enamel in various mammalian groups and tested their systematic significance. Additionally he uses the wear facets to reconstruct the pattern of mastication in mammalian dentitions.