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FIGURE 1. Map of the study area showing the four outcrops (arrows).


FIGURE 2. Metrarabdotos aquaeguttum sp. nov. 1. General view of the colony fragment with infertile and fertile zoecia. 2. Detail of a branch edge showing special and ordinary avicularia. 3. Detail of zooids adjacent to a maternal one showing orifice, special avicularium paired with an ordinary one, and part of the ooecium. 4. Detail of maternal zooid with a complete ooecium, ordinary avicularia, and a zooid adjacent to maternal one, with a special avicularium. Scale bars equal 1: 500 µm; 2: 100 µm; 3: 40 µm; 4: 200 µm. 1, 4: MG-6303-I-b; 2: MG-6303-I-c; 3: MG-6303-I-a.


FIGURE 3. Metrarabdotos elongatum sp. nov. 1. General view of a fragment showing some fertile and infertile zooecia. 2. Detail of some zooecia showing orifice with median denticles, paired avicularia, and areolar pores. 3. Detail of the secondary orifices showing a median denticle and a pair of laterally ordinary avicularia. 4. Internal view of some zooecia showing tridenticulate orifices. 5. Detail of the branch edge showing zooecia with large ordinary avicularia. 6. A maternal zooid with complete ooecium and paired ordinary avicularia surrounded by zooecia, each with a special avicularium paired with an ordinary one, and by infertile zooecia with paired ordinary avicularia. Scale bars equal 1: 500 µm; 2, 4-5: 200 µm; 3: 20 µm; 6: 100 µm. 1, 6: MG-6303-I-i; 2: MG-6303-I-p; 3: MG-6303-I-s; 4: MG-6303-I-l; 5: MG-6303-I-h.


FIGURE 4. Metrarabdotos capanemensis sp. nov. 1. General view of a colony showing fertile and infertile zooecia. 2. Detail showing two maternal zooecia bearing complete ooecia, flat ordinary zooecia and a large special avicularium below the maternal zooid. 3. Some zooecia with paired, ordinary proximally located avicularia and one elongated special avicularium. Note the frontal shield with elliptical areolar pores and a median longitudinal keel. Scale bars equal 1: 1000 µm; 2-3: 200 µm. 1-3: MG-6303-I-t. Arrows indicate special avicularia.
