TABLE 1. A list of specimens including species of lagomorphs, types of teeth, numbers of images, and excavation locations/age.
No. | Taxon | Tooth position | Locality age | No. of microscope images |
1. | Ochotona cf. eximia | p3 | Lobkove MN 12/13 (Upper Maeotian,Cherevychnian stage) |
9041- 9046 |
2. | Ochotona cf. eximia | p3 m3 lower incisors |
Verchnia Krynica 2 MN 12 (Lower Maeotian, Belkian stage) |
9026- 9037 9843 9812 |
3. | Ochotona sp. (ex. gr. kalfense) | p3 m2 upper incisors |
Popovo 3 MN 11 (Upper Sarmatian, Beryslavian stage) |
0248- 0261 9836 9768 |
4. | Prolagus aff. crusafoni | p3 m3 |
Popovo 3 MN 11 (Upper Sarmatian, Beryslavian stage) |
8995- 9006 9817-9820 |
The following abbreviations were used, according to Koenigswald et al. (2010): EDJ - enamel dentine junction, HSB - Hunter-Schreger bands, IPM - interprismatic matrix, IRRE - irregular enamel (here: IR), OES - outer enamel surface, PLEX - prismless external layer, R - radial enamel, T- tangential enamel.