FIGURE 1. Locality map. Location of Vasalemma quarry marked with square.
FIGURE 2. Stratigraphy of the Vasalemma Formation (modified after Kröger et al., 2014). Location of samples marked with asterisk.
FIGURE 3. 1, A bryozoan colony of Orbignyella germana Bassler, 1911 shows intergrowth with two rugosans Lambelasma carinatum Weyer, 1993 from Vasalemma Formation of northern Estonia (TUG 1585-10); arrows point to skeletal malformation of rugosan, 2, Orbignyella germana Bassler, 1911 with Lambelasma carinatum Weyer, 1993 from Vasalemma Formation of northern Estonia (TUG 1585-10). Abbreviations: RG-rugosan, BR-bryozoan.