FIGURE 1. Ganawamaya acris partial cranium (QM F31461) in dorsal view (1); ventral view (2); posterior view (3); and line drawing of dentition in occlusal view (4). Abbreviations: as, alisphenoid; eam, exit of auditory meatus; fm, foramen magnum; gf, glenoid fossa; ju, jugal; M1-M4, upper first to fourth molar; maf, mastoid foramen on the mastoid-squamosal suture; map, mastoid process; mcl, metaconule; me, metacone; mp, maxillopalatine fenestra; mx, maxilla; nc, nuchal crest; oc, occipital; P3, upper third premolar; pa, parietal; pac, paracone; pal, palatine; pgp, postglenoid process; pop, paroccipital process; pomc, postmetacrista; pomclc, postmetaconule crista; popac, postparacrista; poprc, postprotocrista; pr, protocone; prpac, preparacrista; sq, squamosal; StC, stylar cusp C; zes, zygomatic epitympanic sinus.
FIGURE 2. Ganawamaya acris partial cranium (QM F31461) in left lateral view (1) and right lateral view (2). Abbreviations: as, alisphenoid; eam, exit of auditory meatus; ec, ectotympanic; fr, frontal; ioc, infraorbital canal; iof, infraorbital foramen; ju, jugal; lac, lacrimal; M1-M4, upper first to fourth molar; ma, mastoid; map, mastoid process; mx, maxilla; oc, occipital; P3, upper third premolar; pa, parietal; pal, palatine; pgp, postglenoid process; pop, paroccipital process; sof, sphenorbital fissure; sq, squamosal.
FIGURE 3. Occlusal view of lower dentary and line drawing of first molar for juvenile (1), adult (2), worn adult (3) specimens of a single species from Faunal Zone B; and line drawings for juvenile m1 (4), adult m1 (5), and worn adult m1 (6). The specimens were previously attributed to 1, Nambaroo sp. 4; 2, Nambaroo sp. 2 by Cooke (1997c) and 3, Ganawamaya acris Cooke (1992). Abbreviations: co, cristid obliqua; end, entoconid; hc, hypocingulid; hyd, hypoconid; i1, lower incisor; p3, third premolar; m1-m4, lower molars one to four; med, metaconid; phc, posthypocristid, prd, protoconid.
FIGURE 4. Ganawamaya aediculis partial cranium (QM F58658) in ventral view (1) and left lateral view (2). Abbreviations: I1, first upper incisor; ioc, infraorbital canal; iof, infraorbital foramen; M1-M4, upper first to fourth molar; mx, maxilla; P3, upper third premolar; pmx, premaxilla.
FIGURE 5. Lower third premolar of Ganawamaya aediculis holotype (QM F16843) in buccal view (1) and lingual view (2). Black arrows indicate each cuspid along the occlusal surface of the p3. Grey arrows indicate the additional sixth cuspid present below the occlusal margin.
FIGURE 6. Cast of lower dentition of Ganawamaya couperi comb. nov. (UCMP 57334) (1-3) and cast of upper dentition of Gan. couperi comb. nov. (UCMP 57340) (4-6) from the Ngapakaldi Local Fauna, South Australia. Right lateral view (1 and 4), left lateral view (2 and 5), and occlusal view (3 and 6). Abbreviations: C, canine, I1, first upper incisor; i1, first lower incisor, M1-M4, upper first to fourth molar; m1-m3, lower first to third molar, P3, upper third premolar; p3, lower third premolar.
FIGURE 7. Bivariate plots of lower teeth: the third premolar (1) and the first to fourth molars (2-5) for specimens of Ganawamaya acris, Gan. couperi comb. nov., Gan. aediculis, Gan. gillespieae comb. nov., Nambaroo tarrinyeri, N. novus and N. saltavus from the Riversleigh World Heritage Area and the Ngapakaldi Local Fauna (NLF). Black squares represent specimens of Gan. couperi comb. nov. from NLF. Abbreviations: L, length; AW, anterior width; PW, posterior width; M1-M4, upper first to four premolar, P3, upper third premolar.
FIGURE 8. Bivariate plots of upper teeth: the third premolar (1) and the first to fourth molars (2-5) for specimens of Ganawamaya acris, Gan. aediculis, Gan. gillespieae comb. nov. and Gan. couperi comb. nov. from the Riversleigh World Heritage Area and the Ngapakaldi Local Fauna (NLF). Black squares represent specimens from NLF. Abbreviations: L, length; AW, anterior width; PW, posterior width; M1-M4, upper first to four premolar; P3, upper third premolar.
FIGURE 9. Principal Component Analysis with convex hulls of log transformed measurements for upper (1) and lower (2) tooth measurements for Ganawamaya acris, Gan. couperi comb. nov., Gan. gillespieae comb. nov. and Gan. aediculis from the Riversleigh World Heritage Area and the Ngapakaldi Local Fauna (NLF)”.
FIGURE 10. Strict consensus of 1580 most parsimonious trees (tree length = 578, consistency index = 0.36, retention index = 0.79) from parsimony analysis of the matrix containing 66 taxa and 120 characters, assessing the phylogenetic relationship of revised Ganawamaya (highlighted in bold). Numbers above represent bootstrap values while numbers below represent decay indices. Decay indices are prefaced with a plus sign.