FIGURE 1. Maps of fossil localities at the Qingyang area: 1) simplified geological map (modified from the geological map of Gansu in 1981), 2) administrative zoning map.
FIGURE 2. Material ascribed to “Gazella” paotehensis from Uppsala Universitet Evolutionsmuseet, M 3956, cranium, the neotype, 1) dorsal view, 2) left lateral view, 3) ventral view; M 1808, left mandible, 4) lingual view, 5) occlusal view. Scale bar equals 50 mm.
FIGURE 3. Crania ascribed to “Gazella” paotehensis from Qingyang: TNP 00206, 1) dorsal view, 2) left lateral view, 3) ventral view; TNP 03795, 4) dorsal view, 5) left lateral view, 6) ventral view. Scale bar equals 50 mm.
FIGURE 4. Horn cores from Qingyang, 1-4 ascribed to “Gazella” paotehensis , 5-8 ascribed to “G.” dorcadoides : THP 05716, 1) anterior view, 2) lateral view; TNP 05313, 3) anterior view, 4) lateral view; THP 06348, 5) anterior view, 6) lateral view; TNP 03875, 7) anterior view, 8) lateral view. Scale bar equals 50 mm.
FIGURE 5. Upper maxillae from Qingyang, 1-8 ascribed to “Gazella” paotehensis , 9-14 ascribed to “G.” dorcadoides : TNP 00205, 1) occlusal view, 2) left buccal view; TNP 03866, 3) occlusal view, 4) left buccal view; THP 06928, 5) occlusal view, 6) buccal view; TNP 03093, 7) occlusal view, 8) left buccal view; TNP 03793, 9) occlusal view, 10) left buccal view; TNP 03867, 11) occlusal view, 12) right buccal view; TNP 03794, 13) occlusal view, 14) right buccal view. Scale bar equals 50 mm.
FIGURE 6. Mandibles ascribed to “Gazella” paotehensis from Qingyang, THP 07326, 1) lingual view, 2) occlusal view; TNP 03856, 3) lingual view, 4) occlusal view; TNP 03855, 5) lingual view, 6) occlusal view; TNP 03865, 7) lingual view, 8) occlusal view; THP 06863, 9) occlusal view, 10) lingual view; TNP 03857, 11) occlusal view, 12) lingual view; TNP 03876, 13) occlusal view, 14) lingual view. Scale bar equals 50 mm.
FIGURE 7. Comparisons of measurements (in mm) between “Gazella” paotehensis and “G.” dorcadoides , 1) anteroposterior and mediolateral basal diameters of horn cores (with 90 % confidence ellipses, 2) upper premolar and molar lengths (with convex hull polygons), 3) lower premolar and molar lengths (with convex hull polygons). Data from Teilhard de Chardin and Young (1931), Bohlin (1935), Li and Chi (1964), Chen (1997a, 2005), and Li (2015).
FIGURE 8. Cranium ascribed to “Gazella” dorcadoides from Qingyang, TNP 03854, 1) dorsal view, 2) left lateral view, 3) ventral view, 4) caudal view. Scale bar equals 50 mm.
FIGURE 9. Mandibles ascribed to “Gazella” dorcadoides from Qingyang, THP 03028, 1) occlusal view, 2) left buccal view; TNP 03864, 3) lingual view, 4) occlusal view; TNP 03862, 5) occlusal view, 6) lingual view; THP 03868, 7) occlusal view, 8) lingual view; TNP 03863, 9) lingual view, 10) occlusal view; TNP 03860, 11) occlusal view, 12) lingual view; TNP 03859, 13) occlusal view, 14) lingual view; THP 07000, 15) occlusal view, 16) lingual view; TNP 03858, 17) occlusal view, 18) lingual view. Scale bar equals 50 mm.