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author1Philippa Brewer. Department of Earth Sciences, Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom.

M.Sci. (Hons) (University College London), Ph.D. (University of New South Wales). Pip Brewer is Senior Curator of Fossil Mammals at the Natural History Museum, London. Prior to taking up her current role at the NHM in 2013, Pip worked at the British Museum and the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Her primary interests include Australian and South American fossil mammals, Mesozoic mammals, dental evolution in herbivores and the history of science. Pip has been involved in fieldwork around the world, including opal mines in Australia and excavating extinct ground sloths in South America.


author2Michael Archer. PANGEA Research Centre, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2052, New South Wales, Australia.

B.A. (Princeton Univ.), PhD (University of Western Australia), AM, FAA, DistFRSN, FRZS, FACE, FWAAS. Previously Curator of Mammals at the Queensland Museum, Director of the Australian Museum in Sydney, Dean of Science at the University of New South Wales. Research includes: World Heritage mid Cenozoic fossil deposits of Riversleigh, Queensland; Eocene Tingamarra deposit, Queensland; Miocene deposits in New Zealand; paleoconservation initiatives to save endangered living marsupials; deExtinction research to revive the extinct Gastric-brooding Frog. Over 320 scientific publications including 15 books and supervision of over 90 PhD/Hons research students. Additional background:


author3Suzanne Hand. PANGEA Research Centre, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, New South Wales, Australia.

B.Sc. Hons (University of New South Wales); PhD (Macquarie University); FRZS; FRSN. Suzanne is a vertebrate palaeontologist at the University of New South Wales where she teaches zoology and geology. Her research interests are largely in the areas of evolutionary biology, functional morphology, phylogenetics, and biogeography, with a special interest in fossil and modern mammals, particularly bats. She co-leads research of the World Heritage-listed Riversleigh fossil deposits of northern Australia and the Eocene Tingamarra fossil deposits of Queensland.


author4Gilbert J. Price. School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia.

Ph.D. (Queensland University of Technology). Gilbert Price is a Senior Lecturer in Palaeontology at The University of Queensland. He is a vertebrate palaeoecologist and geochronologist, particularly interested in the evolution and emergence of our planet’s unique ecosystems and fauna, and their response to prehistoric climatic changes. His major research focus has been on the development of palaeoecological models for Australia’s Cenozoic, especially the Quaternary megafauna. Critically, this also involves the production of reliably-dated records for the fossils that he studies.