FIGURE 1. Location of the Menilite outcrop at Winnica in southeastern Poland, where the holotype of Winnicavis gorskii gen. et sp. nov. ISEA AF/WIN2a+b was found.
FIGURE 2. Winnicavis gorskii gen. et sp. nov., holotype, specimen ISEA AF/WIN2a+b from Winnica, Poland, early Oligocene (top left - main slab; bottom left - counterslab) and interpretative drawings (right). Left (L) and right (R) elements are indicated. Abbreviations: cmc - carpometacarpus, cr - os carpi radiale, cu - os carpi ulnare, dmaj - phalanx distalis digiti majoris, pmaj - phalanx proximalis digiti majoris, pmin - phalanx digiti minoris. Numbers in circles on the slabs: 1 - primaries, 2 - secondaries, 3 - underwing coverts, 4 - primary coverts.
FIGURE 3. Winnicavis gorskii gen. et sp. nov., holotype, specimen ISEA AF/WIN2a+b from Winnica, Poland, early Oligocene. Scapula, coracoid and humerus, main slab. 1- standard photograph, 2 - 4 sequence of CT scans from the slab’s surface toward its interior. Abbreviations: fah - facies articularis humeralis, pa - processus acrocoracoideus, pp - processus procoracoideus, tv - tuberculum ventrale.
FIGURE 4. Winnicavis gorskii gen. et sp. nov., holotype, specimen ISEA AF/WIN2a+b from Winnica, Poland, early Oligocene. Proximal left ulna and radius, main slab. 1- standard photograph, 2 - 4 sequence of CT scans from the slab’s surface toward its interior. Abbreviations: cd – cotyla dorsalis, ol – olecranon.
FIGURE 5. Winnicavis gorskii gen. et sp. nov., holotype, specimen ISEA AF/WIN2a+b from Winnica, Poland, early Oligocene. Left carpometacarpus, main slab. 1- standard photograph, 2 - 4 sequence of CT scans from the slab’s surface toward its interior. Abbreviations: im - processus intermetacarpalis, mn - os metacarpale minus, mj - os metacarpale majus, pd - processus dentiformis, si - spatium intermetacarpale, st - sulcus tendineus.
FIGURE 6. Winnicavis gorskii gen. et sp. nov., holotype, specimen ISEA AF/WIN2a+b from Winnica, Poland, early Oligocene. Phalanx proximalis digiti majoris, counterslab. Abbreviation: fv - fossa ventralis.