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APPENDIX 1. Video showing the complete sequence of chamber addition in Borelis schlumbergeri specimen 77023-1. Same color coding for chambers as in Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 9.2. VLC media file, size=302509 KB. The file can be downloaded as supplementary data (filename=Animation7.avi) at

appendix1 4


APPENDIX 2. Animated stack of axial slices through the test of Borelis schlumbergeri specimen 77023-1 obtained with Voxler software. VLC media file, size=2567 KB. See Appendix 3 for a version in gif format. The file can be downloaded as supplementary data (Filename=Video_Voxler_Borelis.avi) at

appendix2 3


APPENDIX 3. Same animated stack as in Appendix 2, but in form of a gif animation. IrfanView gif file, size=8324 KB. The file can be downloaded as supplementary data (Filename=Borelis_Voxler.gif) at


APPENDIX 4. High resolution version to the video shown in Appendix 1. Same color coding for chambers as in Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 9.2. VLC media file, size=322592 KB. The file can be downloaded as supplementary data (Filename=Borelis_Animation.mpg) at


APPENDIX 5. Low resolution animation combining of axial sections and lateral views of chamber additions of Borelis schlumbergeri specimen 77023-1, from adult to juvenile stages. Same color coding for chambers as in Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 9.2. VLC media file, size=19568 KB. The file can be downloaded as supplementary data (Filename=Animation1.mpg) at
