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FIGURE 1. Locality and stratigraphic sections where the specimens of Meeksiella pskovensis (Obruchev 1947) came from. 1.1-1.4,. 1.5-1.6, Maps show the site location (black square) Stratigraphic columns of Piskovichi and Snetnaya Gora outcrops, respectively, with levels of Meeksiella remains (after Ivanov et al., 2005). 1.7. Stratigraphic chart of Frasnian of the Main Devonian Field with subdivisions, placoderm zones and taxa.




FIGURE 2. Holotype of Meeksiella pskovensis (Obruchev 1947), PIN 54/247, anterior dorsolateral plate. 2.1, external view; 2.2, internal view.




FIGURE 3. Headshield plates of Meeksiella pskovensis (Obruchev 1947). 3.1-3.2, GIT 196-14, skull roof bones in external dorsal and internal views; 3.3, GIT 196-18, left preorbital plate in external view; 3.4, GIT 196-16, right preorbital plate in external view; 3.5-3.6, GIT 196-20+196-31, right cheek plates in external and internal views; 3.7, GIT 196-15, nuchal plate in external view; 3.8, GIT 196-21 left marginal plate in internal view; 3.9, GIT 196-32, left para nuchal plate in external view; 3.10, GIT 196-17, left preorbital plate in external view; 3.11, GIT 196-39, left central plate in external view; 3.12, GIT 196-25, upper tooth plate; 3.13, GIT 196-45, upper tooth plate; 3.14, GIT 196-26, lower toothplate; 3.15, GIT 196-27, lower toothplate. 3.1-3.2, 3.4-3.9, 3.11, 3.13-3.15, Piskovichi outcop; 3.3, 3.12, Meeksi Mill outcrop; 3.10, Snetnaya Gora outcrop.




FIGURE 4. Reconstruction of the head shield of Meeksiella pskovensis (Obruchev, 1947). 4.1, dorsal view; 4.2, internal view




FIGURE 5. SkyScan images of the headshield of Meeksiella pskovensis (Obruchev 1947), GIT 196-14. 5.1, skull roof in dorsal view indicating the margins of the nuchal plate; 5.2, skull roof in dorsal view indicating the pathway of the sensory lines; 5.3, skull roof in lateral view.




FIGURE 6. Comparison in the reconstructed skull roof plates in: 6.1, Meeksiella gen. nov.; 6.2, Kimbryandus; 6.3, Ptyctodopsis; 6.4, Ctenurella; 6.5, Rhynchodus; 6.6, Campbellodus; 6.7, Materpiscis; 6.8, Austroptyctodus.




FIGURE 7. Line drawings of isolated plates of Meeksiella pskovensis (Obruchev 1947). 7.1, SMNH P.4546, Upper tooth plate; 7.2, GIT 196-20, marginal plate; 7.3, GIT 196-39, central plate; 7.4, GIT 196-26, lower tooth plate; 7.5, GIT 196-27, lower tooth plate with ventral process; 7.6, TUG 1551-16, anterior medioventral plate; 7.7, GIT 196-7, anterior dorsolateral plate, 7.8, GIT 196-29, median dorsal plate external view; 7.9, GIT 196-3, median dorsal plate internal view. 7.1, Kārļu muiža outcrop; 7.2-7.5, 7.8-7.9, Piskovichi outcop; 7.6, Loosi outcrop; 7.7, Meeksi Mill outcrop.




FIGURE 8. Trunk shield plates of Meeksiella pskovensis (Obruchev, 1947). 8.1, GIT 196-1, Anterior lateral plate, external view; 8.2-8.3, GIT 196-2, Anterior lateral plate, external views; 8.4, GIT 196-7, Anterior dorsolateral plate, external view; 8.5, GIT 196-29, Median dorsal plate, external view; 8.6, GIT 196-3, Median dorsal plate, internal view; 8.7, GIT 196-4, Median dorsal plate external view; 8.8, GIT 196-12, Anterior dorsolateral plate external view; 8.9, GIT 196-8, Anterior dorsolateral plate internal view; 8.10, GIT 196-50, Male clasper. 8.1, 8.4, Meeksi Mill outcrop; 8.2-8.3, Snetnaya Gora outcrop; 8.5-8.10, Piskovichi outcop.




FIGURE 9. Cladogram showing the hypothesis of relationship amongst the ptyctodonts.



