FIGURE 1. Location of the Luna de Sus study site (after the Geological Map of Romania, 1:200.000 folio Cluj, simplified and modified).
FIGURE 2. Lithostratigraphy of the studied outcrop. 1, Lithostratigraphic log of the Eocene deposits from the Gilău sedimentary area (modified and simplified after Rusu et al., 2014). 2, Lithostratigraphic log at Luna de Sus.
FIGURE 3. Fish fossils from Luna de Sus. 1-4, Heterodontus sp., (FES 045). 5-7, (FES 098); 8-9, Rhizoprionodon ganntourensis, (FES 076). 10-11, (FES 082). 1, 5, occlusal views. 2, basal view. 3, 6, 8, 11, lingual views. 4, 7, 9, 10, labial views. Scale bars equal 1-7 (5 mm), 8-11 (1 mm).
FIGURE 4. Fish fossils from Luna de Sus. 1-2, Galeocerdo cf. eaglesomei, (FES 043). 3-4, (FES 044). 5-7, Physogaleus secundus, (FES 050). 8-11, (FES 053). 1, 3, 5, 8, lingual views. 2, 4, 6, 9, labial views. 7, 10, apical views. 11, basal view. 1', detail of serration. Scale bars equal 5 mm.
FIGURE 5. Fish fossils from Luna de Sus. 1-2, Macrorhizodus praecursor (FES 041). 3-4, (FES 042). 5-7', Striatolamia macrota (FES 068). 10-11, FES 067. 8-9, Otodus (Carcharocles) sp. (FES 071). 12-13, Abdounia sp. (FES 056). 14-16, Hypotodus verticalis (FES 061). 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 14 lingual views. 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, labial views. 6, 16, distal views. 7' detail of the cutting edge. Scale bars equal 5 mm (1-4, 12, 13) and 10 mm (5-11, 14-16).
FIGURE 6. Fish fossils from Luna de Sus. 1-3, Jaekelotodus robustus (FES 063). 4-8, (FES 065). 9-10, (FES 093). 11-13, (FES 060). 1, 4, 9, 11, lingual views; 2, 5, 10, 12, labial views. 7, basal view. 8, apical view. 13, distal view. Scale bars equal 10 mm (1-8) and 5 mm (9-13).
FIGURE 7. Fish fossils from Luna de Sus. 1-3, cf. Myliobatis sp. (FES 074). 4-7, cf. Aetobatus sp. (FES 072). 9-10, FES 093. 8-12, Myliobatinae indet. (1 VT 459). 13-15, Myliobatinae indet. 2 (FES 048). 16-18, Rajidae indet. (FES 046). 19-21, Batomorphii indet. (FES 086). 22-24, (FES 087). 6, 11, lingual views. 7, 10, labial views. 2, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 24, basal views. 1, 4, 8, 15, 16, 19, 22, occlusal views. 3, 12, 14, 18, 20, 23, lateral views. Scale bars equal 5 mm.
FIGURE 8. Fish fossils from Luna de Sus. 1-4, Dasyatis cf. jaekeli (FES 095). 5-8, Rhinobatos cf. steurbauti (FES 096). 9-13, Pristis sp. (FES 003). 14, Labridae indet. (FES 057). 15-19, Phacodus cf. punctatus (FES 012-040). 1, 5, 15, labial views. 4, 16, lingual views; 8, 14, 18, occlusal view. 9, dorsal view. 10, ventral view. 11, posterior view. 12, anterior view. 13, apical view. 2, 6, 7, 19, lateral views. 18', detail of the occlusal surface. Scale bars equal 1 mm (1-8), 5 mm (14-19) and 10 mm (9-13).
FIGURE 9. Depth range of extant equivalent taxa.
FIGURE 10. Map of central and eastern Europe with similar localities.