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FIGURE 1. Holbrook and Anton Chico Member locations within the Moenkopi Formation of New Mexico and Arizona (National Geologic Map Database, USGS).




FIGURE 2. DMNH 2018-05-0003, axis of the Moenkopi tanystropheid, in 1, left lateral; 2, right lateral; 3, dorsal; 4, ventral; 5, anterior; and 6, posterior views. Arrows indicate anterior direction. Hatched areas indicate incomplete surface preservation and gray color indicates where matrix is exposed. Abbreviations: a., articulates with; ana, atlas neural arch; axi, axis intercentrum; dia, diapophysis; epi, epipophysis; nc, neural canal; poz, postzygapophysis; r. ridge. Scale bar equals 1 cm.






FIGURE 3. DMNH 2018-05-0003, axis of the Moenkopi tanystropheid with intact anterior portion of neural spine present. Scale bar equals 1 cm.





FIGURE 4. NMMNH P-80482, a post-axial cervical of the Moenkopi tanystropheid, in 1, left lateral; 2, right lateral; 3, dorsal; 4, ventral; 5, anterior; and 6, posterior views. Arrows indicate anterior direction. Hatched areas indicate incomplete surface preservation and gray color indicates where matrix is exposed. Abbreviations: d, depression; dia, diapophysis; epi, epipophysis; nc, neural canal; par, parapophysis; poz, postzygapophysis; r, ridge. Scale bar equals 1 cm.





FIGURE 5. NMMNH P-80483, a post-axial cervical of the Moenkopi tanystropheid, in 1, left lateral; 2, right lateral; 3, dorsal; 4, ventral; and 5, anterior views. Arrows indicate anterior direction. Hatched areas indicate incomplete surface preservation and gray color indicates where matrix is exposed. Abbreviations: dia, diapophysis; nc, neural canal; ns, neural spine; par, parapophysis; prz, prezygapophysis. Scale bar equals 1 cm.







FIGURE 6. NMMNH P-80484, a post-axial cervical of the Moenkopi tanystropheid, in 1, left lateral; 2, right lateral; 3, dorsal; 4, ventral; and 5, posterior views. Arrows indicate anterior direction. Hatched areas indicate incomplete surface preservation and gray color indicates where matrix is exposed. Abbreviations: d, depression; epi, epipophysis; nc, neural canal; ns, neural spine; poz, postzygapophysis; prz, prezygapophysis. Scale bar equals 1 cm.






FIGURE 7. Occurrences of the family Tanystropheidae in Triassic Pangaea as indicated by squares. 1. Moenkopi Formation, Arizona and New Mexico; 2. Chinle Formation, New Mexico; 3. Cooper Canyon Formation, Texas; 4. Cow Branch Formation, Virginia; 5. Lockatong Formation, Newark Supergroup, New Jersey and Pennsylvania; 6. Wolfville Formation, Nova Scotia; 7. Montral-Alcover Basin, Spain; 8. Otter Sandstone Formation, England; 9. Limestone Alps and Valle Serrata Locality, Switzerland; 10. Quarry Kossig, Upper Buntsandstein of the Black Forest, Germany 11. Bayreuth localities, Germanic Basin, Germany; 12. Seefeld Formation, Austria; 13. Don River Basin, Lipovskaya Formation, Eastern Europe 14. Bihor Mountain Localities, Romania; 15. Calcare di Zorzino, Italy; 16. Dolomia di Forni, Italy; 17. Besano Formation, Italy; 18. Jilh Formation, Saudi Arabia; 19. Sanga do Cabral Formation, Brazil; 20, 21. Zhuganpo Member of the Falang Formation, China. (Bassani, 1886; Wild, 1973, 1980b; Jurcsak, 1975; Milner et al., 1990; Muscio, 1996; Vickers-Rich et al., 1999; Sues, 2003; Rieppel, 2004; Fraser, 2006; Renesto, 2006; Casey et al., 2007; Borsuk-Białynicka and Evans, 2009; Rieppel et al., 2010; Sennikov, 2011; Diedrich, 2012; Saller et al., 2013; Pritchard et al., 2015; Jaquier et al., 2017; De Oliviera et al., 2018; Lessner et al., 2018.)


