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FIGURE 1. ROM 43608, holotype of Kenomagnathus scottae, gen. et sp. nov. Scale bar equals 2 cm.





FIGURE 2. Interpretative drawing of ROM 43608, holotype of Kenomagnathus scottae, gen. et sp. nov., medial aspect of lacrimal and maxilla. Scale bar equals 2 cm.





FIGURE 3. ROM 43608, holotype of Kenomagnathus scottae, gen. et sp. nov., close-up of anterior maxilla in medial aspect, from latero-ventral (above) and lateral (below). Scale bars equal 2 cm.





FIGURE 4. Skull reconstructions of chosen early synapsids with initial or functional diastemata. “Haptodus” garnettensis (immature size) is combined from best-known specimens, resulting from digital reconstructions. In comparison, Kenomagnathus scottae, gen. et sp. nov., has a deeper orbit and hypothetically deeper jaw. Own data, except for Gordodon (Lucas et al., 2018). Scale bar equals 5 cm.
