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TABLE 1. Eruption series in tapirs broken down by general age classification and specific age ranges. Adapted from Gibson (2011) and Hulbert et al. (2009).

Eruption Series Age Classification Age Range
1 Very Young Juvenile < 1 - 1 yr
2 Young Juvenile < 1 - 2 yr
3 Juvenile 1 - 2 yr
4 Subadult  2 - 4 yr
5 Young Adult 4 - 9 yr
6 Full Adult  6 - 9 yr
7 Old Adult  9 - > 11 yr

TABLE 2. Presence and absence of lower teeth and the wear stage of the teeth at each eruption series. Adapted from Gibson (2011).

Eruption Series Teeth Present/Wear Observed
1 dp2-dp3 no wear, dp4 may be erupting
2 dp2-dp4 erupted, m1 may be erupting, slight wear
3 dp2-m1 erupted and in wear, adult premolars/molars in crypts
4 p2-p3, dp4, m1 erupted and in wear, m2 may be erupting, minimum wear on p2-p3, heavy wear on dp4
5 p4 and m2 erupted and in wear, m3 erupting or erupted with minimum wear
6 m3 cusps moderately worn with no dentine exposure
7 m3 cusps heavily worn with exposed dentine



TABLE 3. Mean values and standard deviations for cusp angle (m1CA) and crown height (m1H) for each eruption series of Tapirus polkensis from the Gray Fossil Site. Data are reported as follows: Mean (Standard Deviation). Significant differences between eruption series in univariate ANOVA tests at the p < 0.05 level using Tamhane’s T2 post hoc procedure are indicated by superscript values.

  Eruption Series
  2 3 4 5 6 7
Cusp Angle 69.52(7.48)6,7 69.53(4.86)6,7 77.09(4.344)6,7 99.24(13.81)7 110.69(22.54)2,3,4,7 159.52(11.55)2,3,4,5,6
Crown Height 11.16(0.28)5,6,7 10.3(0.34)5,6,7 9.60(0.80)6,7 7.67(1.64)2,3,7 6.99(1.29)2,3,4,7 4.06(0.98)2,3,4,5,6