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TABLE 1. Measurements (in mm) of UOMNH F-70508 with comparative materials from published studies and museum collections, using criteria from Werdelin and Solounias (1991). Abbreviations: Lp2, Lp3, Lp4, Lm1: anteroposterior length of respective tooth; Lpp4: length of major cusp of p4; Ltm1: Length of trigonid of m1; Wp2, Wp3, Wp4, Wm1; transverse width of respective tooth; Cond-ang: distance from dorsal margin of condyle to ventral margin of angular process; p2-m1: inclusive distance between p2 and m1; Hdia: dorsoventral depth of mandible at diastema; Hbehm1: dorsoventral depth of mandible behind m1; LP4: anteroposterior length of LP4; WaP4: width of p4 at protocone; WblP4: width of p4 between paracone and metastyle; Lpp4/LpP4: length of paracone of p4/P4; LmP4: length of metastyle of p4; WS90: Werdelin and Solounias (1990); WK99: Werdelin and Kurtén (1999); G11: Ghaffar et al. (2011).

Measurement UOMNH F-70508 Comparative specimens Published ranges of A. eximia
Range ID Range Mean ± SE Reference
Lp2 16.39 - - 14.8-17.8 16.01 ± 0.11 WK99, G11
Wp2 10.97 - - 9.5-13.3 11.56 ± 0.10 WS90, WK99, G11
Lp3 22.44 19.63-19.68 AMNH 22880; F:AM 144903 15.7-22.1 19.73 ± 0.21 WK99, G11
Wp3 13.69 12.84-14.30 AMNH 22880; F:AM 144903 10.3-15.3 13.38 ± 0.13 WS90, WK99, G11
Lp4 22.78 21.73-22.06 AMNH 22880; F:AM 144903 20.2-24.7 22.27 ± 0.17 WK99, G11
Wp4 13.9 13.29-13.31 AMNH 22880; F:AM 144903 12.0-14.6 13.02 ± 0.09 WS90, WK99, G11
Lpp4 11.31 - - 9.5-12.1 10.79 ± 0.07 WS90, WK99, G11
Lm1 29.2 25.88-26.92 AMNH 22880; F:AM 144903 24.4-29.5 27.16 ± 0.19 WK99, G11
Wm1 12.46 - - 11.2-14.4 12.75 ± 0.09 WK99, G11
Ltm1 23.68 21.24-22.90 AMNH 22880; F:AM 144903 20.3-26.8 22.35 ± 0.20 WK99
Cond-ang 41.7 - - 28.0-39.0 33.5 WS90
p2-m1 82.59 - - 77.8-88.1 81.88 WS90
Hdia 36.96 - - 30.0-50.0 43.39 WS90
Hbeh m1 48.57 46.62-51.71 AMNH 22880; F:AM 144903 29.7-54.2 46.46 WS90
LP4 34.89 34.86-38.79 AMNH 22880, 23016, 27800, 26372 32.9-40.8 37.82 ± 0.27 WS90, WK99, G11
LpP4 11.57 12.13-13.66 AMNH 22880, 23016, 27800, 26372; China -41L-339 10.2-14.5 12.80 ± 0.12 WS90, WK99, G11
LmP4 13.84 13.87-15.61 AMNH 22880, 23016, 27800, 26372; China -41L-339 14.0-16.9 15.60 ± 0.12 WS90, WK99, G11
WaP4 16.81 16.44-20.24 AMNH 22880, 23016, 27800, 26372 15.2-20.3 18.40 ± 0.20 WS90, WK99, G11
WblP4 11.17 10.94-13.25 AMNH 22880, 23016, 27800, 26372 10.1-14.0 12.12 ± 0.11 WS90, WK99, G11