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FIGURE 1. Location and geological maps of the studied sections (Modified after Saber and Salama 2017).




FIGURE 2. Lithologic and biostratigraphic units of the studied sections (A, B, C).





FIGURE 3. Range chart of the identified planktonic species in section A.





FIGURE 4. Range chart of the identified planktonic foraminifera at section B.





FIGURE 5. Range chart of the identified planktonic species in section C.





FIGURE 6. Scanning electron micrographs of planktonic foraminifera species (S = Sample numbers, Fm = Formation). AGuembelitria oveyi Ansary, 1955, S. 7, El Fashn Fm., section A; BChiloguembelina cubensis (Palmer, 1934), S.3, Qurn Member, section B; CChiloguembelina ototara (Finlay, 1940), S.5, Qurn Member, section B; DParagloborotalia nana (Bolli, 1957), S.37, Tarbul Member, section C; EParagloborotalia opima (Bolli, 1957), S.37, Tarbul Member, section C; FAstrorotalia palmerae (Cushman & Bermudez,1937), S.34, Tarbul Member, section C; GTurborotalia centralis (Cushman and Bermudez, 1937), S. 4, El Fashn Fm, section A; H1-H2Turborotalia cerroazulensis (Cole, 1928), S.41, Tarbul Member, section C; I1-I2Turborotalia cocoaensis (Cushman, 1928), S.41, Tarbul Member, section C; JTurborotalia cunialensis (Toumarkine and Bolli, 1970), S.41, Tarbul Member, section C; KTurborotalia pomeroli (Toumarkine and Bolli, 1970), S. 3, El Fashn Fm, section A; LTurborotalia increbescens (Bandy, 1949), S. 4, El Fashn Fm, section A; MTurborotalia ampliapertura (Bolli, 1957), S.11, Qurn Member, section B; NIgorina broedermani (Cushman and Bermudez, 1949), S. 4, El Fashn Fm, section A; O1O2 Acarinina bullbrooki (Bolli, 1957), S. 5, El Fashn Fm, section A; PAcarinina collactea (Finlay, 1939), S. 4, El Fashn Fm, section A; QAcarinina matthewsae Blow, 1979, S. 5, El Fashn Fm; RAcarinina pentacamerata (Subbotina, 1947), S. 5, El Fashn Fm, section A; S1S2Acarinina primitiva (Finlay, 1947), S. 5, El Fashn Fm, section A; T1-T2Acarinina spinuloinflata (Bandy, 1949), S. 7, El Fashn Fm, section A; UMorozovelloides lehneri (Cushman and Jarvis, 1929), S. 5, El Fashn Fm, section A; VMorozovelloides crassatus (Cushman, 1925), S. 5, El Fashn Fm, section A.







FIGURE 7. Scanning electron micrographs of planktonic foraminifera species AAcarinina libyaensis El Khoudary, 1977, S. 5, El Fashn Fm, section A; BAcarinina rohri Bronnimann and Bermudez, 1953, S. 5, El Fashn Fm, section A; CAcarinina topilensis (Cushman, 1925), S. 5, El Fashn Fm, section A; DTenuitella gemma (Jenkins, 1966), S.37, Tarbul Member, section C; EGlobigerinita africana Blow and Banner, 1962, S. 2, El Fashn Fm, section A; FGlobigerinita echinata (Bolli, 1957), S.16, Qurn Member, section B; G–Globoturborotalita martini Blow and Banner, 1962, S.8, Qurn Member, section B; HGlobigerinita pera (Todd, 1957), S. 5, El Fashn Fm; IGloboturborotalita barbule Pearson and Wade, 2015, S.18, Tarbul Member, section C; J–Catapsydrax cryptomphala (Glaessner, 1937), S.4, Qurn Member, section B; KCatapsydrax dissimilis (Cushman and Bermudez, 1937), S.5, Qurn Member, section B; LCatapsydrax howei (Blow and Banner, 1962), S.5, Qurn Member, section B; MCatapsydrax unicavus (Bolli, Loeblich and Tappan), S.4, Qurn Member, section B; NDentoglobigerina galavisi (Bermudez, 1961), S.2, Qurn Member, section B; ODentoglobigerina pseudovenezuelana (Blow and Banner, 1962), S.2, Qurn Member, section B; PDentoglobigerina venezuelana (Hedberg, 1937), S.12, Qurn Member, section B; QDentoglobigerina tripartita (Koch, 1926), S.41, Tarbul Member, section C; RTurborotalita carcoselleensis Toumarkine and Bolli, 1975, S.8, Qurn Member, section B; SGloborotaloides suteri Bolli, 1957, S. 5, El Fashn Fm, section A; TSubbotina eocaena (Guembel, 1868), S. 6, El Fashn Fm, section A; USubbotina hagni (Gohrbandt, 1967), S.10, Qurn Member, section B; VParasubbotina inaequispira (Subbotina, 1953), S.34, Tarbul Member, section B; WSubbotina linaperta (Finlay, 1939), S. 5, El Fashn Fm, section A; XSubbotina tecta Pearson and Wade, 2015, S.36, Tarbul Member, section B; YSubbotina yeguaensis (Weinzierl and Applin, 1929), S.5, El Fashn Fm, section A; Z1Pseudohastegerina danvillensis (Howe and Wallace, 1932), S.23, Tarbul Member, section B; Z2Pseudohastegerina micra (Cole, 1927), S.23, Tarbul Member, section B.





FIGURE 8. Scanning electron micrographs of planktonic foraminifera species APseudohastegerina naguewichiensis (Myatliuk, 1950), S.37, Tarbul Member, section B; BTurborotalia ampliapertura (Bolli, 1957), S.11, Qurn Member, section B; CTurborotalia cf. ampliapertura Bolli, 1957; S.7, El Fashn Fm, section A; DSubbotina angiporoides Hornibrook, 1965; S.2, Qurn Member, section B, ESubbotina minima Jenkins, 1966; S.7, El Fashn Fm, section A; FGlobigerina angustiumbilicata Bolli, 1957; S.41, Tarbul Member, section C, GSubbotina corpulenta Subbotina, 1953, S.7, El Fashn Fm, section A; HGloboturborotalita euapertura Jenkins, 1960, S.7, El Fashn Fm, section A; IAcarinina medizzai Toumarkine and Bolli, 1975, S.4, Qurn Member, section B; JGloboturborotalita gnauki Blow and Banner, 1962, S.4, Qurn Member, section B; KGloboturborotalita ouachitaensis Howe and Wallace, 1932, S.2, Qurn Member, section B; LGloboturborotalita occlusa Blow and Banner, 1962, S.36, Tarbul Member, section C; MGloboturborotalita praebulloides Blow, 1959, S.2, Qurn Member, section B; NSubbotina praeturritilina Blow and Banner, 1962, S.4, Qurn Member, section B; OGlobigerina turgida Finlay, 1939, S.31, Tarbul Member, section B; PSubbotina utilisindex Jenkins and Orr, 1973, S.2, El Fashn Fm; QSubbotina senni (Beckmann, 1953), S.3, El Fashn Fm, sec section A,; SGlobigerinatheka tropicalis (Blow and Banner, 1962), S.7, El Fashn Fm, section A; T1-T2Globigerinatheka kugleri (Bolli, Loeblich and Tappan, 1957), S.6, El Fashn Fm, section A; UGlobigerinatheka mexicana (Cushman, 1925), S.27, Qurn Member, section B; V1-V3Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta (Keijzer), S.36, Tarbul Member, section B.





FIGURE 9. Correlation of the recorded planktonic biozones in the study area with the international zonal schemes and those in and outside Egypt.





FIGURE 10. Correlation chart shows correlation of the planktonic zones, planktonic foraminiferal ratio (P%), paleodepth of the studied succession with the tethyan sea level, and depositional sequences as well as the international planktonic zones.





FIGURE 11. Field photos showing the depositional sequences, A shows the boundary between Qurn (sequence 2) and Tarbul members (sequence 3); B shows the depositional sequence 3 representing Tarbul Member and the overlying sequence 4 of Maadi Formation; C shows shale and marly facies that represented the transgressive systems tracts of sequence 3; D shows the reefal facies with bivalvia (black arrows) that represented the highstand systems tracts (HST) of sequence 4.
