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TABLE 1. Comparative table of the genera described over time in the Matzitzi Formation.

    Silva (1970) Weber et al. (1987) and Weber (1997) Galvan (2000) Valdes Vergara (2017) Flores-Barragan and Velasco-de León (2021)
Order or family Genus location unknown location unknown location unknown Carretera Carretera Coatepec
Bennettitales Pterophyllum Brongniart   *        
Cycadales cf. Bjuvia Florin           *
Cordaithantales cf. Cordaites Unger           *
Dycranophyllales Dycranophyllum GrandʼEury         * *
Equisetales Annularia Sternberg     *      
Equisetales Asterophyllites (Schlotheim) Brongniart           *
Equisetales Calamites Suckow *   * * * *
Equisetales Schizoneura Schimper et Mougeot           *
Equisetales Sphenophyllum Brongniart     *      
Gigantopteridales Cf. Gigantonoclea Koidzumi           *
Gigantopteridales Lonesomia Weber   *        
Ginkgoales Baiera Braun    *        
Ginkgoales Ginkgoites Seward   *        
Glossopteridales Gangamopteris McCoy           *
Glossopteridales Glossopteris Brongniart           *
Glossopteridales Plumstedia Rigby           *
Incertae sedis Cordaicarpus Geinitz           *
Incertae sedis Cladophebis Brongniart           *
Incertae sedis Holcospermun Nathorst   * *   * *
Incertae sedis Lesleya Lesquereux         *  
Incertae sedis Nilssonia Brongniart         *  
Incertae sedis Taeniopteris Brongniart     * * * *
Incertae sedis Trigonocarpus Brongniart       * *  
Incertae sedis Velascoa Flores Barragan et Ortega Chavez           *
Lepidodendrales Asolanus Wood *          
Lepidodendrales Bothodendron Lindley et Hutton *          
Lepidodendrales Cyperites Lindley et Hutton *     * * *
Lepidodendrales Knorria Sternberg         * *
Lepidodendrales Lepidodendron Sternberg *   *      
Lepidodendrales Sigillaria Brongniart *   * * * *
Lepidodendrales Stigmaria Brongniart *       * *
Lepidodendrales Stigmariopsis Grand Eury *          
Lepidodendrales Syringodendron Sternberg       * * *
Marattiales Astherotheca Presl et Corda *   * * * *
Marattiales Diplazites Goeppert         * *
Marattiales Lobatopteris Wagner         *  
Osmundales Dychotomopteris Maithy           *
Peltaspermales Comia Zalessky       * *  
Peltaspermales Neuropteris Brongniart (Sternberg) *   *   * *
Peltaspermales Odontopteris Brongniart (Sternberg) *       * *
Peltaspermales Sphenopteris (Brongniart) Sternberg       *   *
Peltaspermales Ovopteris Potonie *       *  
Voltziales Majonicaceae Clement-Westerhof           *



TABLE 2. Comparative table of the morphological characters of the three reported species of the genus Bjuvia, as well as the affinity proposed here.

  cf. Bjuvia sp B. thalensis B. simplex B. dolomitica
Lamina length (cm), with an asterisk indicating
an approximation for incomplete leaves
21.5* 20* / 100
Lamina width (cm) 18.6 15 20 30
Rachis width (cm) 0.6 0.5 1 0.5
Number of veins per cm 40 30 14 18
Rachis type Fluted Fluted Fluted /
Apex type / Round / Round
Presence of dichotomies in the veins No No yes No
Stoma type / Haplochelic Haplochelic Haplochelic
Number of companion cells 6-7 6-4 7 6-4
Stomatal complex size or stomatal opening* 10-15 µ* 50-60 µ 10 µ * /
Presence of trichomes Yes No Yes No
Shape of epidermal cells Irregular -Rectangular Isodiametric Irregular- Quadrate Rectangular
Wall shape in epidermal cells Right - Undulated Right Right Undulated
Age Permian Triassic Triassic Triassic
Country Mexico Germany Sweden Italy




TABLE 3. Comparative table of morphological characters of some species that have segmented leaves, reported for the Permian, as well as the new report from Mexico. With an asterisk the data of incomplete leaves.

  Nilssonia sp. Pseudoctenis sp. Pseudoctenis middridgensis Stoneley Pseudoctenis samchokense 
Pterophyllum sp. Pterophyllum cotteanaum Gutbier Pterophyllum pottii Bomfleur
et Kerp
Pteronilssonia gopalii Pant
et Mehra
Lamina length (cm) 6.3* 7.5* 17* 24* / / 5* 15*
Lamina width (cm) 4.7* 7.0* 5.7 22* / / 6* 11*
Rachis width (cm) 0.3 0.3 0.2-0.3 / 0.25-0.4 0.7 0.5-0.6 0.2
Union of the leaf with respect to the rachis Attached to the upper edge of rachis Laterally attached to the rachis Laterally attached to the rachis Laterally attached to the rachis Laterally attached to the rachis Laterally attached to the rachis Laterally attached to the rachis Laterally attached to the rachis
Base of segments Decurrent Decurrent in the basiscopic part Decurrent in the basiscopic part Slightly constricted in the base Not decurrent Decurrent / Not decurrent
Length of the segments (cm) 3.5* 4.2 3.7 9.2 8.5 1-3.5 / 6*
Width of the segments (cm) 1-1.2 0.7 0.35 0.5-1.1 0.35 0.5-0.7 1.5-2 1
Segment position Oppositely Oppositely to sub-oppositely Sub-opposite Oppositely to sub-oppositely Sub-opposite to alternate Oppositely / Sub-opposite
Type of apex in the segments / Rounded Obtuse Rounded Rounded Rounded-Obtuse / /
Distance between segments (cm) 0.2-0.3 0.2-0.7 0.5 0.2 0.2-0.6 0.2-0.3 / 0.3-0.5
Number of veins per cm 12-17 13-20 13-20 / / 20 42-48 10
Venation arrangement With dichotomies at the base 3 With dichotomies at the base With dichotomies at different heights Parallel Parallel Parallel With dichotomies at different heights
Age upper Permian upper Permian upper Permian Permian upper Permian lower Permian lower Permian Permian
Country Mexico Australia England China Australia Germany Jordan India



TABLE 4. Table of morphological characters of the 42 species of the genus Taeniopteris and of the two specimens from Puebla. These species correspond to the Paleozoic-Mesozoic transition reported for the province of Euramerica and Gondwana. Abbreviations: L.L. lamina length (cm). W.L. lamina width (cm). T.A. apex type. T.B. base type. W.R. rachis width (mm). D.V. vein density per cm. A.I.V. insertion angle of veins. A.V. arrangement of veins, 1) Dichotomies at the base of the veins, 2) Dichotomies at the mid-part of the veins, 3) Dichotomies at the base and mid-part of the veins, 4) veins without dichotomies, 5) Dichotomies at the base and then irregularly in the veins, 6) Dichotomy in the terminal part of the veins, and 7) irregular dichotomies in the veins.

Species L.L. W.L. T.A. T.B. W.R. D.V. A.I.V. A.V.
Specimen CFZMTZ-330 4.1 2.5 / / 0.2 23-24 90° 4
Specimen CFZMTZ-713 6.8 5.3 / / 0.3 14-16 90° 1
Taeniopteris sp1 Galtier et Broutin 15 6 / / 0.4-0.6 12-15 70°-80° 1
Taeniopteris sp2 Galtier et Broutin 17 7 acute / / 14-17 70°-80° /
Taeniopteris sp A Kustatscher, Bauer,
Butzmann, Fischer, Meller, Van Konijnenburg-van Cittert et Kerpi
12 2.1 / / 0.3-0.5 15-18 80-90° 4
Taeniopteris sp B Kustatscher, Bauer,
Butzmann, Fischer, Meller, Van Konijnenburg-van Cittert et Kerpi
6 9-7     0.6 12-18 70° 1
T. abnorvis G utbier 15 9.5 / / / 28-32 45° 7
T. anavolans Anderson et Anderson 17 3.5 / cuneiform 0.7 14-16 80°-09° 7
T. anglica White 50 4.5 / / 0.4-0.1 28 60°-70° /
T. angustifolia Stockm et Math 13 2 / / 0.1 28 70°-80° 3
T. ardesica Grand eury 4.2 1.7 / / 0.05 20-22 80° 1
T. bertrandiana Teixeira 6.5 3 / / / 12 75° 1
T. bosniackii Stefani 6 2.4 / / 0.25 20 85-90° 1
T. carnoti Zeiller / 2.5-3 / / 0.1-0.2 25-30 70-80° 3
T. crassinervis (Feistmantel) Walkom 7 4.5-5.5 / / 0.2 12-14 90° 1
T. criciumensis Dolianiti 10 1.8 / / 0.2-0.5 32-40 45° 7
T. densinervis Menéndez / 1.8 / / 0.1 28-32 85-90° 4
T. doubingeri Remy 11 3.4 / / 0.1-0.6 23-34 70°-75° 1
T. eckardti German 20 2.3 / / 0.2-0.4 08-09 60° 4
T. feddeni Feistmantel 25 12.5 / / 0.2 20 90° 7
T. gemmina Plumstead 4.5 1.3 / / 0.07 15-20 60°-70° 7
T. homerifolius Anderson et Anderson / 6.5 / / 0.4 10-12 75° 7
T. jejunata grand eury 8-15 1.4-2 / / 0.1 12-20 70° /
T. kelberi Kustatscher et Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert 21 2.0-2.8 / / 0.55 20-25 80° 4
T. lata Oldham et Morris 36 11 / / 0.5 10 / 5
T. lentriculiformis (Feistmantel) Walkom 9 2.5-3     0.1 22 80°-90° 4
T. lescuriana Fontaine et white 7 8 / / 0.2 / 85° 3
T. lutzae Gnaedinger et Herbst 20 5 retuse round / 14-20 80°-90 4
T. magnifolia Rogers 10 7-22 / / 0.4-1 16-20 85-90° 4
T. multinervia Weiss 7.5-20 12-2 / / 0.6-0.5 36 80°-90° 1
T. novomundensis Pott et Launis 15 2.1 acute contracted 0.2-0.4 / 75-80° 1
T. parva Jongmans 3 0.8 / / / 50 80°-85° 3
T. plauensis Sterzel 9 1-3.2 / / 0.1-.07 13-24 70°-80° 2
T. plicatella (Solms-Laubach) Menéndez 6 1.5 / / 0.5 9 40° 7
T. schlotheimi Remy 5 0.7 / / .05-.03 12-14 78-82° 7
T. smithii Lesquereux 15 5 / / 0.1 40 / /
T. submultinervia Sterzel   0.32 / / 0.1 10 75° 3
T. taiyuanensis Halle 13 12 / / .8-.5 35-50 65°-80° 1
T. tenuis Doubinger et Vetter 6.5-7 1.5 / / .07-.05 28-36 80°-90° 3
T. thomsoniana (Arber) Blaschke et Grant-Mackie / 2 / / 0.2 28-36 85°-90° 7
T. troncosoi Gnaedinger et Herbst 20 5-1 retuse cuneiform / 22-24 40°-50° 7
T. vittata Brongniart / 2.8-4 acute / / 24-30 50°-60° 1
T. wianamattae (Feistmantel) Walkom / 3.5-6 / / 0.2-0.6 24-28 75° 1
T. zeilleri Bertrand 30 40 / / .3-.2 28 70°-90° 4 and 7