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TABLE 1. Selected measurements for type specimen (LACM/CIT 1854) of Protitanops curryi, a stratigraphically associated and possibly conspecific specimen (LACM/CIT 2007), and summary statistics for Protitanops curryi material from West Texas and Mexico combined. Abbreviations: N - number of specimens; SD - standard deviation; Min - minimum observation; Max - maximum observation; CV - coefficient of variation.

  Titus Canyon West Texas specimens combined
/CIT 1854
/CIT 2007
N Mean SD Min Max CV
ventral skull length 688   4 663 25 642 698 4
proximodistal horn length 134   2 110 42 80 140 39
horn circumference at proximal base 277   5 248 34 220 300 14
thickness of zygomatic arch 88   6 82 22 40 98 26
upper canine crown width 23   3 26 3 24 30 11
P3 mesiodistal length 29 37 8 33 3 30 37 9
P3 labiolinugal width 38 46 8 41 3 35 45 8
M2 mesiodistal length 65 83 6 72 4 68 79 6
M2 labiolingual width 64 69 6 69 5 60 72 7
P2-P4 mesiodistal length 84   6 100 6 91 104 6
M1-M3 mesiodistal length 182   5 195 19 180 225 10
lower canine crown width     3 28 8 19 36 30
p3 mesiodistal length     2 30 3 28 32 10
p3 labiolingal width     2 22 2 20 23 10
m2 labiolingual length     4 38 3 33 40 9
m2 mesiodistal length 57   4 63 4 58 68 6
p2-p4 mesiodistal length     3 90 2 89 92 2
m1-m3 mesiodistal length 190   3 220 20 200 240 9



TABLE 2. Character attribute differences of species of Brontotheriita. Shaded cells indicate character differences when compared to specimens referred to Protitanops curryi from the Chambers Tuff, Chisos and Prietos Formations.

Character Character number Chambers Tuff (Pc) Chisos Fm. (Pc) Prietos Formation (Pc) Devil's Graveyard Fm.
(cf. Po)
Protitanops curryi Eubrontotherium clarnoensis Notiotitanops mississippiensis Parabrontops gobiensis Duchesneodus uintensis Dianotitan lunanensis Parvicornus occidentalis Megacerops coloradensis Megacerops kuwagatarhinus
frontonasal horns elongate 3 n n ? ? n n n n n n n y  y
nasal incision extends posterior to P3 6 y y ? ? y y n y y y y n  n
anterior rim of orbit anterior to molars 13 n n n ? n n y n n n n y  y
large cranial dome present 21 n n ? ? n n ? n y n n n  n
lateral swelling on zygomatic arch 26 y y y ? y n ? n y y n y  y
anterior margin of posterior nares roughly between M3 protocones 28 n n n n y n y y n n n y  n
emargination of posterior nares lacking 29 n n n n n n n n y y n y  y
Paired ventral sphenoidal fossae present 31 n n n ? n n n n n n n n  y
thick nuchal crest 39 n n ? ? n n ? n n y n y  n
massive occipital pillars 40 n n ? ? n n ? n n n n y y
# upper incisors 42 ? 2 ? 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 ?
globular upper incisors 44 ? y ? n y y y y y y n y ?
incisor row arched 45 n n ? y n n n n n n y n ?
upper postcanine diastema 46 y y ? y y y y y n n y n n
P2 preprotocrista strong 51 ? y y y y y y n y y y y y
molar metaloph present 67 n n n n n n n n n n n n y
M3 hypocone present 69 y y y y y y/n y y y y y/n y y
mandibular symphysis posterior to P4 trigonid 71 y ? ? n y y y ? y ? n y ?
# lower incisors 72 3 ? ? ? ? 3 ? ? 3 ? 3 2 ?
mandibular postcanine diastema 76 y ? ? ? y y ? ? y ? y n ?
p3 metaconid present 82 ? ? ? ? ? n y ? y ? y/n y ?
horn broadest in antero-posterior direction 90 y y ? ? y y/n ? y y/n y/n y n n
antero-lingual upper premolar cusp present 93 n n n n n n n n y n n y/n y/n
bifurcated horns - n n ? ? n n n n n n n n y