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FIGURE 1. Representatives of Chironomidae cf. Conchapelopia. Male pupa. USNM 621057. A, Habitus, unmarked. B, Habitus, marked. C, Head and thorax, unmarked. D, Head and thorax, marked. Abbreviations: a3-a7, abdominal units (segments) three through seven; ey, compound eyes; gs, genitals; p1, forelegs; p2, midlegs; p3, hindlegs; pd, pedicellus; tc, thorax; th, thoracic horn (respiratory organ); wg, wing.




FIGURE 2. Representatives of Chironomidae cf. Conchapelopia. Male pupa USNM 626009. A, Habitus. B, Thoracic horns. C, Male genitalia (hypopygium).




FIGURE 3. Male pupa of Chironomidae cf. Conchapelopia (USNM 626057). A, Habitus. B, Thoracic horns and notum of the thorax. C, Male genitalia (hypopygium).




FIGURE 4. Representatives of Chironomidae cf. Psectrotanypus. Male pupa and larva. USNM 624474.1. A, Habitus of the pupa. B, Male genitalia (hypopygium). C, Head capsule of the larva attached to the abdomen of the pupa. D, Schematic drawing of the larval head capsule. Abbreviations: gl, gula; md, mandible; os, occipital sclerite; ts, pit of tentorium.




FIGURE 5. Representatives of Chironomidae cf. Psectrotanypus. Male pupa USNM 624474.2. A, Habitus, unmarked. B, Habitus, marked. Abbreviations: a2-a7, abdominal units (segments) two through seven; an, antenna; ey, compound eyes; gc, gonocoxite (II); gs, genitals; p1, forelegs; p2, midlegs; p3, hindlegs.




FIGURE 6. Hintelmanniella noncatafractata sp. nov. (Chironomidae). Pupa. Paratype USNM 717431 (A-B) and paratype USNM 717494(C). A, Habitus of the pupa. B, Schematic drawing of the pupa, marked. C, Habitus of the pupa. Abbreviations: a1-a8, abdominal units (segments) one through eight; ct, cephalic tubercles; al, anal lobes; c8, posterolateral comb of abdominal unit 8; fa, frontal apotome; tc, thorax.




FIGURE 7. Hintelmanniella noncatafractata sp. nov. (Chironomidae) Pupa. Paratype USNM 717428 (A), paratype USNM 722339 (B), specimen 722340 (C), specimen USNM 722377 (D). A, Anal lobes. B, Anal lobes and posterolateral comb of abdominal unit 8. C, Thorax. D, thorax.




FIGURE 8. Hintelmanniella noncatafractata sp. nov. (Chironomidae). Adult males. Paratype USNM 717431 (A-C), specimen USNM 624424 (D). A, Habitus. B, Schematic drawing of male genitalia (hypopygium). C, Male genitalia (hypopygium). D, Hindtibial combs. Abbreviations: gc, gonocoxite; gs, gonostylus; iv, inferior volsella (lateral protrusion of gonocoxite).




FIGURE 9. Hintelmanniella noncatafractata sp. nov. (Chironomidae). Holotype USNM 624644. Emerging adult male with remnants of the pupa. A, Habitus, unmarked. B, Habitus, marked. C, Male genitalia (hypopygium), unmarked. D., Male genitalia (hypopygium), marked. E, Male genitalia (hypopygium), schematic drawing. Abbreviations: a2-a9, abdominal units (segments) two to nine; an, antenna; ap, anal point (abdominal unit X remnants); ey, compound eyes; gc, gonocoxite (II); gs, gonostylus; iv, inferior volsella (lateral protrusion of gonocoxite); p1, forelegs; p2, midlegs; p3, hindlegs; wg, wings.




FIGURE 10. Representatives of Chironomidae cf. Tanytarsus, specimen USNM 722523. Adult male. A, Habitus of the adult male and remnants of a water boatmen nymph (Corixidae). B, Hindtibial combs. C, Male genitalia (hypopygium), unmarked. D, Male genitalia (hypopygium), marked. E, Male genitalia (hypopygium), schematic drawing. Abbreviations: a8-a9, abdominal units (segments) eight and nine; an, antenna; ap, anal point (abdominal unit X remnants); gs, gonostylus; sv, superior volsella (lateral protrusion of gonocoxite).




FIGURE 11. Rheotanytarsus lacustris sp. nov. (Chironomidae). Pupa. Paratypes USNM 722460 (A-B) and USNM 623669 (C-E). A, Habitus, unmarked. B, Habitus, marked. C, Habitus, unmarked. D, Abdominal tergite III with armament of shagreen. E, Anal lobes and posterolateral comb of abdominal unit 8. Abbreviations: a2-a7, abdominal units (segments) two to seven; al, terminal lobes; tc, thorax; th, thoracic horn (respiratory organ); wg, wing.




FIGURE 12. Rheotanytarsus lacustris sp. nov. (Chironomidae). Adult male and pupa. Holotype USNM 717577 (A-E). A, Habitus, unmarked. B, Schematic drawing of male genitalia (hypopygium). C, Male genitalia (hypopygium), unmarked. D, Male genitalia (hypopygium), marked. E, Abdominal tergite II with armament of shagreen. Abbreviations: a8-a9, abdominal units (segments) eight and nine; ap, anal point (remnants of tergite X); gc, gonocoxite (II); gs, gonostylus; iv, inferior volsella (lateral protrusion of gonocoxite); mv, median volsella (lateral protrusion of gonocoxite); tb, tergal bands; ts, shagreen of tergites.




FIGURE 13. Representatives of Ceratopogonidae cf. Alluaudomyia. Pupa. USNM 623317. A, Habitus, unmarked. B, Habitus, marked. Abbreviations: a2-a8, abdominal units (segments) two to eight; tc, thorax; th, thoracic horn (respiratory organ); wg, wing.




FIGURE 14. Representatives of Ceratopogonidae cf. Alluaudomyia. Pupa. USNM 623317 (A-B), USNM 623326 (C), USNM 624879 (D-F). A, Thorax, unmarked. B, Thorax, marked. C, Thoracic horns. D, Thoracic horns. E, End of abdomen. F, Male genitalia (hypopygium). Abbreviations: an, antenna; ey, compound eyes; p1, forelegs; p2, midlegs; p3, hindlegs; th, thoracic horn (respiratory organ).





FIGURE 15. Chaoborus kishenehnicus sp. nov. (Chaoboridae). Pupa. USNM 623080. A, Habitus, unmarked. B, Habitus, marked. Abbreviations: a2-a8, abdominal units (segments) two to eight; an, antenna; gc, gonocoxite; gs, genitals; mr, medial rib of the anal paddle; p3, hindlegs; pd, pedicellus; th, thoracic horn (respiratory organ); ts, tergal setae; wg, wing.





FIGURE 16. Chaoborus kishenehnicus sp. nov. (Chaoboridae). Pupa. USNM 623080(A, D), USNM 624863 (B, E), USNM 623356 (C, F). A-C, Habitus, unmarked. D-E, Genitals. F, Thoracic horn (respiratory organs).





FIGURE 17. Chaoborus kishenehnicus sp. nov. (Chaoboridae). Pupa. USNM 595142. A, Thorax, unmarked. B, Thorax, marked. C, Male genitalia (hypopygium) unmarked. D, Male genitalia (hypopygium), marked. Abbreviations: an, antenna; ey, compound eyes; fc, forecoxa; gc, gonocoxite; gs, genitals; mc, midcoxa; mr, medial rib of the anal paddle; p1, forelegs; p2, midlegs; p3, hindlegs; pd, pedicellus; sc, scutum; su, scutellum; th, thoracic horn (respiratory organ); wg, wing.




FIGURE 18. Chaoborus kishenehnicus sp. nov. (Chaoboridae). Adult males. Holotype: USNM 626053 (A-B) and paratype USNM 623065 (C-E). A, C, Habitus, unmarked. B, Schematic drawing of the male genitalia (hypopygium). D, Wing. E, Wing, schematic drawing. Abbreviations: Cu1, cubital vein one; gc, gonocoxite (II); gs, gonostylus; M1 -M 3+4, median veins one through three+four; m-cu, crossvein median-cubital; R1 -R 4+5, radial veins one through four+five; Sc, subcostal vein; a9, abdominal unit IX.





FIGURE 19. Chaoborus kishenehnicus sp. nov. (Chaoboridae). Adult males. Paratype, USNM 717303. A, Habitus. B, Male genitalia (hypopygium), unmarked. C, Schematic drawing of the male genitalia (hypopygium). D, Male genitalia (hypopygium), marked. Abbreviations: gc, gonocoxite (II); gs, gonostylus; a9, abdominal unit IX.





FIGURE 20. Chaoborus kishenehnicus sp. nov. (Chaoboridae). Probably associated females. USNM 624863 (A, B), USNM 623071 (C), USNM 717284 (D). A, C, D, Habitus. B, Spermathecae.





FIGURE 21. Chaoborus kishenehnicus sp. nov. (Chaoboridae). A, Adult male eclosing from the pupa (USNM622875). B, Male and probably associated female side-by-side, with additional female present (USNM623038).





FIGURE 22. Chaoborus kishenehnicus sp. nov. Probably associated egg masses and individual eggs. A, USNM 623795, egg mass. B, USNM 624281, egg. C, USNM 624174, eggs. D, USNM 624230, eggs.




FIGURE 23. Head and thorax of a larval representative of Culex (Neoculex) (Culicidae), specimen USNM 623914. A, Habitus, unmarked. B, Habitus, marked. Abbreviations: Col, collar; Dm, dorsomentum; MS, mesothoracic setae; Mx, maxilla; OF, occipital foramen; lPBr, palatal brush; PS, prothoracic setae; TS, metathoracic setae;1-3-P, setal group 1-3-P; 3-P, seta 3-P; 7-T, seta 7-T; 9-12-M, setae 9-12-M (mesothoracic pleural setal group).
