FIGURE 1. Micro-CT images of Chuandianella ovata. (A,C-E,G) YKLP 16218. (A) Ventral view. Scale bar equals 5.0 mm. (C) Ventral view (white rectangle in A), showing details of second appendage (a2, green). Scale bar equals 2.0 mm. (D) Endopod of 6th appendage showing endites. Scale bar equals 1.6 mm. (E) Close-up view of 2nd appendages, with podomeres numbered. Scale bar equals 1.4 mm. (G) Ventral view of the anterior part of A, showing the arrangements of the anterior appendages. Scale bar equals 1.3 mm. (B,F) YKLP 16216. (B) Taphonomically deformed specimen, showing ventral view of the carapace and dorsal view of the soft parts (cf. Appendix 7). Scale bar equals 3.8 mm. (F) Dorsal view of part of right side of the body, showing exopods (blue) and endopods (green). Scale bar equals 1.4 mm. All panels except for E are stereo-pairs. Abbreviations: a1, antenniform first appendage; a2, second appendage; a3-a12, biramous appendages; ab1-4, abdominal segments 1 to 4; an, anus; asc, anterior sclerite; cs, caudal structure; en, endopod; es, eye stalk; et, endite; ex, exopod; ey, stalked eyes; lv, left valve; rv, right valve; tp, tailpiece. Italics indicate a right-side appendage.
FIGURE 2. Micro-CT images of Chuandianella ovata. (A) YKLP 16238, left lateral view, showing endopods and exopods of trunk appendages. Scale bar equals 4.9 mm. (B,C) YKLP 16239. (B) Ventral view, showing circa 20 eggs within the left valve. Scale bar equals 4.3 mm. (C) Endopods of 3rd and 5th (?) appendages showing long blade-like endites each with a terminal seta. Proximally in this image two endopods overlap, giving the false impression of setae along the lateral margins of the endites. Scale bar equals 3.4 mm. All panels are stereo-pairs. Abbreviations additional to Figure 1: eg, egg; se, seta; tr, trunk. Italics indicate a right-side appendage.
FIGURE 3. Photographs of Chuandianella ovata, showing overall morphology and segmentation of the body. (A) RCCBYU 10272, right lateral view. Scale bar equals 3.4 mm. (B) YKLP 13967a, left lateral view. Scale bar equals 5.0 mm. Abbreviations additional to Figure 1, Figure 2: s1-s12, head and thoracic segments. s1 is the eye-bearing segment/anterior sclerite; the position of segments s1 and s2 is difficult to infer. Italics indicate a right-side appendage. Scale bar in (B) applies to both panels.
FIGURE 4. Photographs of Chuandianella ovata, showing morphological details. (A-E) YKLP 16217a (cf. Appendix 9). (A) Dorsal view. Scale bar equals 8.3 mm. (B) Setae on inner surface of 7th podomere of left a1. Scale bar equals 0.1 mm. (C) Setae on inner surface of 5th podomere of right antenniform first appendage. Scale bar equals 1.6 mm. (D) Setae on inner surface of 5th podomere of left antenniform first appendage. Scale bar equals 1.3 mm. (E) Pits on carapace surface. Scale bar equals 1.0 mm. (F-G) YKLP 16238a, specimen depicted in Figure 1F. (F) dorsal view. Scale bar equals 8.4 mm. (G) Visual surface of the left eye. Scale bar equals 1.6 mm. (H,K) YKLP 16259, a laterally compressed specimen with anterior part of right valve missing, exposing the anterior appendages. Posterior part of trunk is also missing. (H) Overview. Scale bar equals 6.0 mm. (K) Detailed view of anterior part, showing position and morphology of a2. Scale bar equals 2.4 mm. (I-J) YKLP 16239, specimen depicted in Figure 1G-H. (I) Dorsal view with trunk reflexed so that it appears to emerge from anterior end of carapace. Scale bar equals 8.8 mm. (J) Pits on carapace surface. Scale bar equals 0.9 mm. Abbreviations additional to Figure 1, Figure 2: app, appendage; vs, visual surface. Italics indicate a right-side appendage. Scale bar in (I) applies to all panels.
FIGURE 5. Reconstruction of Chuandianella ovata. Upper: dorsal view. Lower: ventral view. Right middle: isolated appendages a1-a3. Not to scale. Abbreviations as in Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3.
FIGURE 6. Reconstruction of Chuandianella ovata in vivo.