Lithological description of some boreholes and outcrops:
Outcrop Khoudykivtsy 170 - (Lower Devonian)
Northwestern outskirt of the Khudykivtsy Village, left bank of the Dniester River (on the slope)
Lower Devonian, Gedinnian Stage, Borschiv Horizon, Khoudykivtsy Formation (D1khd):
0 - 1,45 m - dark-grey platy grained limestone
1,45 - 4,30 m - alternation plates of dark-grey limestone and dark-grey argillite
4,30 - 7,10 m - dark-grey argillites with rare plates of dark-grey limestone (in the interval are rhabdosomes of Monograptus uniformis) - first Devonian graptolite zone, which indicates the boundary S/D (Gedinnian stage)
7,10 - 9,10 m - dark-grey argillites with interbeds of grey nodular limestone (correlation 1:1)
9,10 - 9,66 m - grey platy limestone (“brickwork”)
9,66 - 10,46 m - dark-grey argillite with interbeds of grey nodular limestone (correlation 2:1)
10,46 - 10,86 m - grey nodular limestone with thin interbeds of argillite
10,86 - 12,86 m - dark-grey argillite with thin interbeds of grey nodular limestone (correlation 4:1)
12,86 - 14,16 m - dark-grey argillites with rare thin interbeds of grey nodular limestone
14,16 - 15,16 m - dark-grey argillite with thin interbeds of grey nodular limestone (correlation 4:1)
15,16 - 16,06 m - dark-grey argillite
16,06 - 16,46 m - dark-grey argillite with interbeds of grey nodular limestone (correlation 1:1)
16,46 - 17,06 - dark-grey argillite
Lower Devonian, Gedinnian Stage, Borschiv Horizon, Mytkiv Formation (D1mt):
17,06 - 22,76 m - dark-grey argillite with rare nodular interbeds (3 one) of limestone
22,76 - 27,76 m - dark-grey argillite with rare nodules of limestone
22,76 - 29,66 m - green-grey clays with interbeds of dark-grey argillite and nodules of limestone
29,66 - 30,26 m - grey, platy limestone
30,26 - 30,96 m - dark-grey argillite
30,96 - 32,96 m - brown-grey clay
32,96 - 37,96 m - dark-grey argillite with rare interbeds of limestone
37,96 - 39,96 m - light-grey argillite (weathered)
above lie Cretaceous deposits
Outcrop Dzvenigorod 97 = 63 from (Tsegelnjuk, Grytsenko et al. 1983p. 130, fig. 18)
Upper part of the Dzvenigorod Formation - dark-grey limestone (S3 zv)
Outcrop Dzvenigorod 96 (= 47 from Green book, p. 130, fig. 18)
Upper part of the Troubchin Suite black limestone (S3 tr)
Outcrop Dzvenigorod 3 (= 47 Quarry near Gzvenigorod Village)
Borehole - Lokachi - 14
Borschov horizon, Zhedin Series, Lower Devonian (D1 br)
1284-1445 m - Skalian Series (S3 sk)
1445-1545 m - Malynivtsy Series - mostly grey-green grain limestone (S2 ml)
1545-1610 m - Bahovitsa Series - brown platy limestone and grey and green dolostone and domerite=dolomitic marls (S2 bg)
1610 - 1645 (downhole wells) m - Yarouga Series - mostly grey grain (nodular) limestone (S1 yr)
Borehole - Lisichyntsy - 3645
58 m and above - Upper Cretaceous - glauconitic sands
Přydolian Series S3
Dzvenyhorod Formation (S3 zv)
58 - 64 m - light brownish-grey limestone with interbeds of clays (61,6 m - Thamnopora sp., Parallelostroma sp.; 59 m, 59,2 m - Parallelostroma sp.)
Trubchin Formation (S3 tr)
64 - 68,5 m - brown marls with grey detritic limestone chest (67,5 m - Favosites pseudoforbes)
68,5 - 73 m - grey large-nodular limestone with green and brown marls interbeds (69,5 m - Squameofavosites sp.; 69,7 m - Mesofavosites sp., Thamnopora sp., Favosites sp.; 70 m - Favosites sp.; 71,2 - 72,7 - Aulopora serpens, Tuvaelites hemisphaericus)
73 - 76 m - green-grey marls with small nodules of grey limestone (in the upper and lower part with corals (75,5 m - Pseudoplasmopora, Cystiphyllum siluriensis, Holacanthia sociale, Sterexylodes sp.
76 - 84 m - brown limestone with very abundant shell detritus and coelenterates with green and black marls interbeds (in the upper and lower parts some corals: 80,9 m - Spongophylloides nikiforovae, Paralellostroma sp.; 81 m - Favosites sp.; 83,7 m Syringopora sp.)
84 - 86,5 m - grey chests of limestone easily separated from black-brownish marls
86,5 - 88 m - dark-grey detritic limestone (nodules of limestone more than marls)
Varnitsa Formation - 88-101 m (S3 vr)
88 - 89 m - green-grey solid dolostone
89 - 89,8 m - grey grain-detritic-clayey limestone with greenish-grey marls offside chest
89,8 - 101 m - grey grain-detritic-clayey limestone with dark-grey marls offside nodules (in the depth 94,5 m - Multisolenia sp., 97 m - Holmophyllym holmi, Syringopora sp.)
Koshliaky Formation - 101-148 m (S3 ksh)
101-104,3 m - light-grey limestone thin bedded alternated with thin interbeds of marls.
104,3 - 107,5 m - dark-grey and grey dolostone alternated with plates of “knotty” limestone
107,5 - 111 m - dark-grey and grey solid and horizontally bedded dolostone
111 - 112 m - dark-grey limestone alternated to dolostone (secondary dolostone)
112 - 114 m - grey and dark-grey horizontal and wavy bedded dolostone and domerite
114 - 116 m - grey and dark-grey limestone, in the base - finely grain with interbeds of marls, in upper 30 cm - solid platy
116 - 121,5 m - grey thin bedded dolostone and domerite, in upper 0,5 m - “sizzling” one
121,5 - 123 m - grey weakly brownish solid limestone: in the base - marl, in the middle part - finely grain wavy tiled, cavernous secondary dolostone - in the upper part
123 - 126,5 m - light-grey unclear “sizzling” dolostone
126,5 - 129,8 m - light-grey “sizzling” somewhere cavernous dolostone
129,8 - 140 m - green and grey striped solid dolostone
140 - 142 m - green-grey solid domerite (striped in the upper part)
142 - 142,5 m - light-grey thin bedded dolostone
142,5 - 144,3 m - dirty-grey dolostone
144,2 - 148,2 m - grey dolostone with tree interbeds of clayey-coaly interbeds
Radoshin Formation - 148-167 m (S3 rd)
148,2 - 160 m - brown-grey solid dolostone (cavernous one in the intervals: 149,7 - 150 m, 157,5 - 160 m;)
160 - 163 m - grey dolostone alternated with green domerite
163 - 163,6 m - brown grained dolostone with 2 cm interbed of brown clay in middle part of interval
163,6 - 167 m - green-grey domerite
S2 Ludlow Series, Ludford Stage
Isakivtsy Formation - 167-197,5 m (S2 is)
167 - 171,5 m - brown cavernous dolostone
171,5 - 180,8 m - grey porosus-cavernous secondary dolostone with green thin domerite interbeds in the upper part of the interval - breccias of domerite
180,8 - 197,5 m - grey wavy thin platy dolostone
Velytsa Formation - 197,5-222 m (S2 vl)
197,5 - 206 m - grey solid unclear grain dolostone (on the depth 201 m - ash-grey metabentonite)
206 - 207,5 m - dark-grey cavernous dolostones
207,5 - 216 m - thin interbedding of green and light-grey dolostones and domerites
216 - 222 m - dark-grey brownish and greenish marls (many various corals, on depth 210 m green thin interbed of metabentonite; 216-217 m - Favosites sp., Stromatopora sp. inderem., Syringopora sp., Tuvaelites sp., rugosan - Acmophyllum sp.; 218-220 m - Favosites sp., Stromatopora sp., Weissermellia sp., Tryplasma sp., Tuvaelites sp.).
Tsviklivtsy Formation - 222-267,5 m (S2 ts)
222 - 234,3 m - brown-grey solid unclear grain limestones (226 m, 231 m - Favosites sp.)
234,3 - 267,5 m - dark-grey finely-grain limestones in dark-grey greenish marls. (In the upper part of the unit - 234,3m; 244 m - many corals; 237 m, 237,6 m, 243 m, 244,2 m, 246 m - Parastriatopora mutabilis Kl.; Stromatopora; 244 m Syringopora sp.; 265 m - Favosites sp.).
Konivka Formation - 267,5-288,2 m (S2 kn)
267,5 - 281,5 m - thin bedded and thin striped dark-grey domerite alternated with light-grey one
281,5 - 288,2 m - dark- brown limestone with thin interbeds dark-grey marls (283 m - Favosites sp., Syringopora sp., rugosan and bryozoan; 285 m - Favosites sp., 286 m - Phaulactis cyathophylloides; 288 m - Codonophyllum sp.)
Horstian Stage, Bahovitsa Suite, Upper subformation - 288,2-328 m (S2 bg)
288,2 - 296,5 m - dark-grey dolostone alternated with green-grey domerite
296,5 - 297,5 m - brown cavernous (secondary) dolostone
297,5 - 328 m - dark-grey dolostone alternated with green-grey domerite
Bahovitsa Formation, Lower subformation - 328-331 m
328 - 331 m - dark-brown grained limestone (329 m - Heliolites sp.)
S1 Wenlock Series
Homerian Stage, Ternava Formation - 331-385 m (S1 tn)
331 - 385 m - dark-grey limestone sepapated by dark-grey interbeds of clay
Sheinwoodian Stage - Fourmanivka Formation - 385-397,4 m (S1 fr)
Demshin subformation - 385-392,7 m (S1 dm)
385 - 392,7 m - dark-grey detritic marl interbedding with thin beds and concretions of grey solid limestones
Restevo subformation - 392,7-397 m (S1 rs)
392,7 - 397,4 m - green-grey detritic marl
Souboch Formation (O3)
397,4 - 398,5 m - brown-grey limestone - Thecia sp.
Horaivka Formation (O2)
398,5 - 400 m - green-grey sandstone