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FIGURE 1. The locality of the fossil site at Black Rock. Panels show A) Australasia, B) the Australian state, Victoria, C) Port Phillip Bay, D) Bayside, including Beaumaris and Black Rock.






FIGURE 2. The Black Rock phocid specimens. NMV P254995, right mandible in A) lateral, B) medial, C) dorsal, D) ventral, E) annotated lateral, and F) annotated dorsal views. NMV P254178, phalanx in, G) side, H) ventral, I) opposing side, and J) dorsal views. Scale bar equals 20 mm.






FIGURE 3. The pinniped fossil record in A) Australasia. Site locations in B) Australia and C) New Zealand. D) The stratigraphic record of pinniped fossils, with potential pinniped turnover events. Dark grey shading indicated the timing of the Late Pliocene marine megafauna extinction (Pimiento et al., 2017).
