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FIGURE 1. Simplified geological map of the Southern Central Pyrenees with location of the outcrops that provide the studied material (red stars near to Fanlillo). The star located to the east of Fanlillo corresponds to the main studied outcrop.





FIGURE 2. Anatomical diagram of two majiod (s. lat.) crabs showing terminology used in the present work. 1: frontal region; 2: orbital region; 3: protogastric region; 4: mesogastric region; 5: metagastric region; 6: urogastric region; 7: cardiac region; 8: intestinal region; 9: hepatic region; 10: epibranchial region; 11: mesobranqual region; 12: metabranchial region. CL: Carapace length; CW: carapace width; RL: pseudorostral length; PCL: postrostral carapace length.





FIGURE 3. Eoparanaxia eocenica n. gen. n. sp. A-C: Holotype MPZ 2023/1, from the Pamplona Marls Formation (upper Eocene, southern Pyrenees); D: posterior part of Eoparanaxia eocenica , paratype MPZ 2023/2; E-F: paratype MPZ 2023/3. A-C are from locality west Fanlillo (Figure 1) and D-F from locality east Fanlillo.





FIGURE 4. Idealized reconstruction of Eoparanaxia eocenica n. gen. n. sp. carapace.





FIGURE 5. Planobranchia elongata n. sp. (A-B) and ? Macrocheira sp. (C) from the Pamplona Marls Formation (upper Eocene, southern Pyrenees), A-B: Planobranchia elongata n. sp. Holotype MPZ 2023/4. A in dorsal view, B oblique frontal view. C: ? Macrocheira sp. (MPZ 2023/5). Abbreviations: as: antorbital spine; is: intercalated spine; Ps: postorbital spine; Hs: hepatic spine.





FIGURE 6. Reconstruction of Planobranchia elongata n. sp. carapace.





FIGURE 7. Female specimen of Spinirostrimaia echinata n. sp. (Holotype MPZ 2023/6) from the Pamplona Marls Formation (upper Eocene, southern Pyrenees) in A: dorsal; B: ventral; C: frontal, and D: lateral views.





FIGURE 8. Paratypes of Spinirostrimaia echinata n. sp. from the Pamplona Marls Formation (upper Eocene, southern Pyrenees). A: Large specimen MPZ 2023/7. B-C: Specimen MPZ 2023/8 in dorsal (B) and frontal (C) view; D: specimen MPZ 2023/9 in dorsal view; E: specimen MPZ 2023/10 in dorsal view. Abbreviations: hl: hepatic lobe; hs: hepatic spine; is: intercalated spine; pl: preorbital lobe; ps: postorbital spine; r1-3: spines of pseudorostral spines; se: supraorbital eave.





FIGURE 9. Idealized reconstruction of Spinirostrimaia echinata n. sp. carapace.





FIGURE 10. Cluster analyses of the Eocene Majidae fossil record analysed. A-B: Cluster analysis for the Ypresian-Lutetian, based on the Jaccard Coefficients (A); and based on the Raup-Crick Coefficients (B). C-D: Cluster analysis for the Bartonian-Priabonian, based on the Jaccard Coefficients (C); and based on the Raup-Crick Coefficients (D).
