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TABLE 1. Landmarks used for geometric morphometric analyses of the skull, following Samuels and Van Valkenburgh, 2009 and Rybczynski et al., 2010.

Landmark # Placement Description
Skull Dorsal View
1 Meeting point between nasal and frontal along midsagittal plane
2 Anterior tip of nasal along mid sagittal plane
3 Anterior tip of suture between nasal and premaxilla
4 Anterior tip of suture between premaxilla and maxilla
5 Posterior tip of suture between frontal and jugal
6 Postorbital constriction
7 Most posterior point of temporal fossa along squamosal process of the zygomatic arch
8 Most posterior meeting point between jugal and squamosal process of zygomatic arch
9 Y shaped suture at meeting point of squamosal, parietal, and occipital
10 Most posterior meeting point of sagittal and nuchal crests
Skull Lateral View
1 Anterior tip of suture between nasal and premaxilla
2 Anterior tip of nasal
3 Meeting point of nasal and frontal along the midsagittal plane
4 Most posterior meeting point of sagittal and nuchal crests
5 Most posterior point of occipital condyle
6 Posterior end of cheek tooth row at the end of the alveolus
7 Anterior end of cheek tooth row at the end of the alveolus
8 Most posterior point of incisor alveolus
9 Posterior edge of upper incisor blade
10 Anterior edge of upper incisor blade
11 Most anterior point of upper incisor alveolus
Skull Ventral View
1 Lateral edge of upper incisor blade
2 Medial edge of upper incisor blade
3 Anterior end of cheek tooth row
4 Posterior end of cheek tooth row
5 Posterior tip of palate along midsagittal plane
6 Most lateral point of suture between tympanic and squamosal
7 Suture where tympanic and occipital meet
8 Most posterior point of occipital condyle
9 Midsagittal border of foramen magnum




TABLE 2. Landmarks used for geometric morphometric analysis of the dentary, following Monteiro et al., 2005.

Dentary Landmarks
1 Antero-dorsal boarder of incisive alveolus
2 Extreme of diastema invagination
3 Anterior edge of molar tooth row
4 Posterior intersection of molar tooth row with coronoid process
5 Tip of coronoid process
6 Maximum curvature between the coronoid and condylar processes
7 Anterior edge of articular surface of condyle
8 Tip of condylar process
9 Posterior most edge of articular surface of condyle
10 Maximum curvature on the curve between the condylar and angular processes
11 Tip of the angular process
12 Anterior margin of the angular process
13 Posterior extremity of the mandibular symphysis
14 Antero-ventral border of the incisive alveolus




TABLE 3. Measurements of postcranial elements, following Samuels and Van Valkenburgh, 2008.

Measurement  Definition 
ScaL  Length of scapula 
ScaW  Width of scapula 
ScaAL  Length of acromion process of the scapula 
HL  Length of humerus 
HAPD  Anteroposterior diameter of humerus 
HMLD  Mediolateral diameter of humerus 
HHD  Diameter of humeral head 
HDAW  Articular width of humeral distal end 
RL  Length of radius 
RAPD  Anteroposterior diameter of radius 
RMLD  Mediolateral diameter of radius 
UL  Length of ulna 
UAPD  Anteroposterior diameter of ulna 
UMLD  Mediolateral diameter of ulna 
ULOL  Length of olecranon process of the ulna 
MC1L  Length of 1st metacarpal 
MC2L  Length of 2nd metacarpal 
MC3L  Length of 3rd metacarpal 
MC3APD  Anteroposterior diameter of 3rd metacarpal
MC3MLD  Mediolateral diameter of 3rd metacarpal 
MC4L  Length of 4th metacarpal 
MC5L  Length of 5th metacarpal 
Mph3p  Length of 3rd manus proximal phalanx 
Mph3m  Length of 3rd manus medial phalanx 
Mph3t  Length of 3rd manus terminal phalanx 
InnomL  Length of innominate (ilium to ischium) 
IllL  Length of ilium 
FeL  Length of femur 
FeAPD  Anteroposterior diameter of femur 
FeMLD  Mediolateral diameter of femur 
FeGT  Height of greater trochanter of the femur 
FeHD  Diameter of femoral head 
FeEB  Femoral epicondylar breadth 
TL  Length of tibia 
TAPD  Anteroposterior diameter of tibia 
TMLD  Mediolateral diameter of tibia 
TPEAPD  Anteroposterior diameter of tibia proximal epiphysis 
TPEMLD  Mediolateral diameter of tibia proximal epiphysis
TDEAPD  Anteroposterior diameter of tibia distal epiphysis
TDEMLD  Mediolateral diameter of tibia distal epiphysis 
TLOF  Tibia length of fusion to fibula 
FibL  Length of fibula 
FibAPD  Anteroposterior diameter of fibula 
FibMLD  Mediolateral diameter of fibula 
CalcL  Length of calcaneus 
CalcTL  Length of calcaneus tuberosity 
MT1L  Length of 1st metatarsal 
MT1APD  Anteroposterior diameter of 1st Metatarsal 
MT1MLD  Mediolateral diameter of 1st metatarsal 
MT2L  Length of 2nd metatarsal 
MT2APD  Anteroposterior diameter of 2nd metatarsal 
MT2MLD  Mediolateral diameter of 2nd metatarsal 
MT3L  Length of 3rd metatarsal 
MT3APD  Anteroposterior diameter of 3rd metatarsal 
MT3MLD  Mediolateral diameter 3rd metatarsal 
MT4L  Length of 4th metatarsal 
MT4APD  Anteroposterior diameter of 4th metatarsal 
MT4MLD  Mediolateral diameter of 4th metatarsal
MT5L  Length of 5th metatarsal 
MT5APD  Anteroposterior diameter of 5th metatarsal
MT5MLD  Mediolateral diameter of 5th metatarsal 
Pph3p  Length of 3rd pes proximal phalanx
Pph3m  Length of 3rd pes medial phalanx 
Pph3t  Length of 3rd pes terminal phalanx 




TABLE 4. Significant relative warps (Eigenvalues>1) and variance percentage attributed to shape deformation for ventral relative warps.

Relative Warp Variance
1 29.03%
2 20.25%
3 11.08%
4 9.36%
5 7.58%
6 6.21%





TABLE 5. Summary statistics for cranial Canonical Variate Analysis with Castor californicus uncategorized.

Eigenvalue 4.766
% Variance Explained 100
Wilk’s Lambda 0.173
Chi Squared (X2) 86.724
Canonical Correlation 0.909





TABLE 6. Summary statistics for cranial Canonical Variate Analysis with all species categorized a priori.

  CV1 CV2
Eigenvalue 4.221 2.421
% Variance Explained 63.5 36.5
Wilk’s Lambda 0.056 0.292
Chi Squared (X2) 144.131 61.501
Canonical Correlation 0.899 0.841





TABLE 7. Summary statistics for dentary Canonical Variate Analysis with Castor californicus uncategorized

Eigenvalue 1.849
% Variance Explained 100
Wilk’s Lambda 0.351
Chi Squared (X2) 33.504
Canonical Correlation 0.806





TABLE 8. Summary statistics for dentary Canonical Variate Analysis with all species categorized a priori

  CV1 CV2
Eigenvalue 1.307 0.316
% Variance Explained 80.5 19.5
Wilk’s Lambda 0.329 0.760
Chi Squared (X2) 39.968 9.876
Canonical Correlation 0.753 0.490





TABLE 9. Cranial CVA classification matrix with Castor californicus uncategorized

  Taxon Castor canadensis Castor fiber Total
Original C. canadensis 53 0 53
C. fiber 0 5 5
C. californicus 1 1 2
Cross-validated C. canadensis 52 1 53
C. fiber 0 5 5





TABLE 10. Cranial CVA classifications with Castor californicus uncategorized. P(D/G) represents the conditional probability of the canonical score given most likely group membership. P(G/D) represents the posterior probability that a specimen belongs to the predicted group, based on the original group assignment.

Specimen Most Likely Group P(D/G) P(G/D) 2nd Most Likely Group
C. californicus (UF225200) C. canadensis 0.060 1.000 C. fiber
C. californicus (USNM26154) C. fiber 0.005 0.994 C. canadensis





TABLE 11. Cranial CVA classification matrix with all species categorized a priori.

  Taxon Castor canadensis Castor fiber Castor californicus Total
Original C. canadensis 51 0 0 51
C. fiber 0 5 0 5
C. californicus 0 0 2 2
Cross-validated C. canadensis 51 0 0 51
C. fiber 0 5 0 5
C. californicus 1 0 1 2




TABLE 12. Cranial CVA classification with all species categorized a priori. P(D/G) represents the conditional probability of the canonical score given most likely group membership. P(G/D) represents the posterior probability that a specimen belongs to the predicted group, based on the original group assignment.

Specimen Most Likely Group P(D/G) P(G/D) 2nd Most Likely Group
C. californicus (UF225200) C. canadensis 0.000 1.000 C. fiber





TABLE 13. Dentary CVA classification matrix with Castor californicus uncategorized.

  Taxon Castor canadensis Castor fiber Total
Original C. canadensis 35 0 35
C. fiber 0 2 2
C. californicus 3 0 3
Cross-validated C. canadensis 35 0 35
C. fiber 1 1 2





TABLE 14. Dentary CVA classification with Castor californicus uncategorized. P(D/G) represents the conditional probability of the canonical score given most likely group membership. P(G/D) represents the posterior probability that a specimen belongs to the predicted group, based on the original group assignment.

Specimen Most Likely Group P(D/G) P(G/D) 2nd Most Likely Group
C. californicus (USNM26154) C. canadensis 0.015 1.000 C. fiber
C. californicus (UF225200) C. canadensis 0.820 1.000 C. fiber
C. californicus (UOMNCH16338) C. canadensis 0.322 1.000 C. fiber




TABLE 15. Dentary CVA classification matrix with all species categorized a priori.

  Taxon Castor canadensis Castor fiber Castor californicus Total
Original C. canadensis 34 1 0 35
C. fiber 0 2 0 2
C. californicus 1 0 2 3
Cross-validated C. canadensis 34 1 0 35
C. fiber 1 1 0 2
C. californicus 1 0 2 3





TABLE 16. Dentary CVA classification with all species categorized a priori. P(D/G) represents the conditional probability of the canonical score given most likely group membership. P(G/D) represents the posterior probability that a specimen belongs to the predicted group, based on the original group assignment.

Specimen Most Likely Group P(D/G) P(G/D) 2nd Most Likely Group
C. californicus (USNM26154) C. canadensis 0.363 0.982 C. californicus



TABLE 17. Descriptive statistics, coefficients of variation with sample size correction (CV*) (following Sokal and Braumann, 1980), and ANOVA results for species postcranial measurements (N ≤ 3). Statistically significant p -values bolded for clarity.

Measurement Taxon N Mean (µ) St. Dev (σ) Min Max CV*(%) F (df) p
HMLD C. can 22 10.75 0.76 9.55 12.00 7.18 14.199
C. fib 1 7.49 - 7.49 7.49 -
C. cal 3 12.31 1.06 11.27 13.38 9.29
HDAW C. can 21 19.85 0.80 18.18 21.22 4.08 26.849
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 4 22.01 0.44 21.64 22.62 2.12
UL C. can 20 119.66 4.01 112.99 130.28 3.39 29.586
C. fib 1 85.07 - 85.07 85.07 -
C. cal 3 124.47 8.32 115.01 130.64 7.24
ULOL C. can 20 25.23 1.68 22.28 28.57 6.74 14.801
C. fib 1 16.29 - 16.29 16.29 -
C. cal 3 23.91 0.98 23.30 25.04 4.44
FeL C. can 24 99.75 5.59 89.44 110.81 5.66 20.802
C. fib 2 77.93 12.52 69.08 86.78 -
C. cal 6 109.82 6.45 98.70 117.27 6.12
FeAPD C. can 24 11.78 1.03 9.93 13.40 8.82 12.334
C. fib 2 10.60 2.49 8.84 12.36 -
C. cal 8 14.08 0.86 13.21 15.60 6.28
FeMLD C. can 24 24.94 1.52 21.18 27.94 6.14 2.694
C. fib 2 21.78 7.75 16.30 27.26 -
C. cal 9 26.56 2.55 23.13 31.05 9.88
FeGT C. can 23 13.17 1.99 10.27 18.07 15.24 4.071
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 6 15.29 3.31 11.98 19.36 22.56
FeHD C. can 21 17.16 0.65 16.10 19.22 3.86 64.657
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 6 20.20 1.27 18.15 21.55 6.53
FeEB C. can 22 34.13 1.81 30.44 37.10 5.38 58.219
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 5 41.72 2.81 39.79 46.57 7.08
TL C. can 19 131.29 5.23 119.75 142.91 4.04 12.805
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 3 145.75 13.28 131.08 156.97 9.87
TAPD C. can 19 14.64 1.62 11.02 17.03 11.05 0.76
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 4 13.89 1.19 12.40 15.24 8.59
TMLD C. can 19 12.97 1.20 10.74 15.67 9.41 8.379
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 4 15.12 2.00 13.28 17.41 14.04
TPEMLD C. can 18 32.61 1.24 30.94 35.50 3.86 12.258
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 3 36.23 3.61 32.14 38.99 10.80
TDEAPD C. can 18 16.34 0.75 15.17 17.78 4.65 27.859
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 4 18.38 0.23 18.20 18.69 1.33
TDEMLD C. can 18 19.08 1.03 16.92 20.67 5.45 21.194
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 5 21.88 1.78 20.17 24.53 8.52
TLOF C. can 18 39.98 3.56 33.94 45.48 9.02 1.092
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 3 37.56 4.81 33.18 42.71 13.87
MT3L C. can 16 49.04 3.46 45.35 59.76 7.16 3.584
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 3 53.22 3.88 49.03 56.70 7.90
MT3APD C. can 8 6.20 0.34 5.66 6.71 5.65 25.608
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 5 7.90 0.87 7.09 9.35 11.56
MT3MLD C. can 8 7.58 0.53 6.65 8.16 7.20 10.312
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 5 9.06 1.15 7.25 9.95 13.29
MT4L C. can 13 56.73 2.23 52.76 60.78 4.01 12.030
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 4 61.22 2.39 58.08 63.52 4.15
MT4APD C. can 6 7.59 0.18 7.33 7.85 2.46 0.134
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 8 7.72 0.85 6.77 9.00 11.29
MT4MLD C. can 6 8.64 0.25 8.38 9.05 2.99 63.129
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 8 10.57 0.55 9.87 11.40 5.36
MT5L C. can 14 41.23 2.93 33.81 46.28 7.22 5.137
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 3 45.33 2.21 43.04 47.45 5.28
MT5APD C. can 7 5.76 0.28 5.54 6.26 5.09 9.642
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 3 6.61 0.62 5.96 7.19 10.13
MT5MLD C. can 7 5.53 0.43 4.83 6.07 8.12 5.407
C. fib 0 - - - - -
C. cal 3 6.25 0.49 5.69 6.60 8.46